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441 to 450 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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441) Commentary Note for lines 1347-8:
1347-8 you, this braue orehanging {firmament}, this maiesticall roofe | fret-
    ... e is very Shakespear ...
    ... omes more Shakespear ...
    ... mes more  Shakespear ...
    ... erm which Shakespear ...
442) Commentary Note for lines 1353-4:
1353-4 gell in apprehension, how like a God: the beautie of the | world; the
    ... nted from Shakespear ...
    ... ristic of Shakespear ...
    ... nation.   Shakespear ...
443) Commentary Note for lines 1363-4:
1363-4 entertainment the players shall receaue | from you, we coted them
    ... erhaps <i>Shakespear ...
    ... icle, New Shakespear ...
444) Commentary Note for lines 1369-70:
1369-70 his part in | peace, <the Clowne shall make those laugh whose lungs>
    ... gleby, <i>Shakespear ...
445) Commentary Note for lines 1376-7:
1376-7 Ham. How chances it they trauaile? their resi|dence both in repu- {F2v}
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... he age of Shakespear ...
    ... said that Shakespear ...
446) Commentary Note for lines 1379-80:
1379-80 Ros. I thinke their inhibition, comes by the meanes |of the late
    ... k that if Shakespear ...
    ... . Perhaps Shakespear ...
    ... Genius of Shakespear ...
    ...  of which Shakespear ...
    ... hibition' Shakespear ...
    ... how chary Shakespear ...
    ... ; in 1603 Shakespear ...
    ... sgrace of Shakespear ...
    ... i>Life of shakespear ...
    ... nly other Shakespear ...
    ...  Boas, <i>Shakespear ...
    ... mbers (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... ition (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... I see it, Shakespear ...
447) Commentary Note for line 1380:
1380 innouasion.
    ... mments on Shakespear ...
448) Commentary Note for lines 1386-7:
1386 <pace; But there is Sir an ayrie of Children, little>
1387 <Yases, that crye out on the top of question; and>
    ... nicely <i>Shakespear ...
    ... ervice to Shakespear ...
    ... rmined by Shakespear ...
    ... tion</i>, Shakespear ...
    ... question. Shakespear ...
    ... usions in Shakespear ...
    ... i>, in <i>Shakespear ...
    ...  others.  Shakespear ...
    ... ion'</i>, Shakespear ...
449) Commentary Note for line 1388:
1388 <are most tyrannically clap't for't: these are now the>
    ... ont could Shakespear ...
450) Commentary Note for line 1389:
1389 <fashion, and so be-ratled the common Stages (so they>
    ... ically <i>Shakespear ...
    ... d, in his Shakespear ...

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