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421 to 430 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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421) Commentary Note for lines 1137-39:
1137 To the Celestiall and my soules Idoll, the most beau-
1137-9 tified O|phelia,| that's an ill phrase, a {vile} <vilde> phrase,
    ... 01C;As <i>Shakespear ...
    ... 01C;As <i>Shakespear ...
    ... ladies in Shakespere ...
    ... h Carey;' Shakespear ...
    ... e charged Shakespear ...
    ... nately in Shakespear ...
    ... C;used by Shakespear ...
    ... described Shakespear ...
    ... 1C;Though Shakespear ...
    ... nd though Shakespear ...
    ... ence that Shakespear ...
    ... ctly what Shakespear ...
422) Commentary Note for lines 1144-45:
1144 Doubt thou the starres are fire, {Letter.}
1145 Doubt that the Sunne doth moue,
    ... itings of Shakespear ...
423) Commentary Note for lines 1165-66:
1165 If I had playd the Deske, or Table booke,
1166 Or giuen my hart a {working} <winking> mute and dumbe,
    ... word with Shakespear ...
    ... s equally Shakespear ...
424) Commentary Note for line 1170:
1170 Lord Hamlet is a Prince out of thy star,
    ... 2;Perhaps Shakespear ...
    ... ver, that Shakespear ...
    ... rs before Shakespear ...
425) Commentary Note for line 1174:
1174 Which done, she tooke the fruites of my aduise:
    ... rrupt. <i>Shakespear ...
426) Commentary Note for lines 1192-93:
1192-3 Pol. You know sometimes | he walkes foure houres together
    ... f his <i> Shakespear ...
    ...  tiros in Shakespear ...
    ... on in the Shakespear ...
    ...  Elze (<i>Shakespear ...
427) Commentary Note for lines 1218-19:
1218-9 Ham. For if the sunne breede maggots in a dead dogge, | being a
    ... one, that Shakespear ...
    ... n &amp;c, Shakespear ...
    ... show that Shakespear ...
    ... rounds of Shakespear ...
428) Commentary Note for lines 1219-20:
1219-20 good kissing carrion. | Haue you a daughter?
    ... of the <i>Shakesperi ...
    ... t the due Shakespear ...
    ... rves that Shakespear ...
    ... entary on Shakespear ...
    ... sities of Shakespear ...
    ... arks that Shakespear ...
    ... he Poet.  Shakespear ...
    ... show that Shakespear ...
    ...  possibly Shakespear ...
    ... ession as Shakespear ...
    ... presses.  Shakespear ...
    ... ough; but Shakespere ...
    ... gleby, <i>Shakespear ...
    ... miliar to Shakespear ...
    ... ohnson on Shakespear ...
429) Commentary Note for lines 1230-2:
1230 Ham. Words, words, words.
1231 Pol. What is the matter my Lord.
1232 Ham. Betweene who.
    ... >; but <i>Shakespear ...
430) Commentary Note for lines 1234-5:
1234-5 Ham. Slaunders sir; for the satericall {rogue} <slaue> sayes heere, | that old
    ... ieve that Shakespear ...
    ... rinted in Shakespear ...
    ... x201C;Had Shakespear ...
    ... /i>, that Shakespear ...
    ... rinted in Shakespear ...
    ... all, that Shakespear ...
    ... rove that Shakespear ...
    ... e it that Shakespear ...
    ... rinted in Shakespear ...
    ... buting to Shakespear ...
    ... 982): "If Shakespear ...

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