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411 to 420 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

Contract Context Printing 20 characters of context... Expand Context
411) Commentary Note for line 1030:
1030 I cannot {dreame} <deeme> of: I entreate you both
    ... obably so Shakespear ...
412) Commentary Note for line 1051:
1051 And heere giue vp our selues in the full bent,
    ...  known in Shakespear ...
    ... more like Shakespere ...
413) Commentary Note for line 1081:
1081 His fathers death, and our <o're->hastie marriage.
    ... f </i><sc>shakespear ...
414) Commentary Note for line 1092:
1092 Was falsly borne in hand, sends out arrests
    ...  times by Shakespear ...
    ... e verb in Shakespear ...
415) Commentary Note for line 1098:
1098 Giues him {threescore}<three> thousand crownes in anuall fee,
    ... /i> of <i>Shakespear ...
416) Commentary Note for lines 1106-08:
1106 King. It likes vs well,
1107 And at our more considered time, wee'le read,
1108 Answer, and thinke vpon this busines:
    ... pposed <i>Shakespear ...
    ... ers</i>). Shakespear ...
417) Commentary Note for line 1109:
1109 Meane time, we thanke you for your well tooke labour,
    ... common in Shakespear ...
418) Commentary Note for lines 1112-13:
1112 Pol. This busines is <very> well ended.
1113 My Liege and Maddam, to expostulate
    ... ertain <i>Shakespear ...
    ... ace to <i>Shakespear ...
    ...  which <i>Shakespear ...
    ... eaking of Shakespear ...
    ... ains. And Shakespear ...
    ... small> of Shakespear ...
    ... of Jonson Shakespear ...
    ... stulate.' Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
    ... School of Shakespear ...
    ...  times in Shakespear ...
419) Commentary Note for lines 1117-18:
1117 Therefore <since> breuitie is the soule of wit,
1118 And tediousnes the lymmes and outward florishes,
    ... . 1982): "Shakespear ...
420) Commentary Note for line 1132:
1132 Thus it remaines, and the remainder thus
1132 Perpend,
    ... onounce.' Shakespear ...
    ... eaking of Shakespear ...
    ... y used in Shakespear ...

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