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401 to 410 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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401) Commentary Note for line 988:
988 As {a} <he> would draw it, long stayd he so,
    ... ) used by Shakespear ...
402) Commentary Note for line 992:
992 {As} <That> it did seeme to shatter all his bulke,
    ...  his hand shakes wit ...
    ...  his hand shakes wit ...
    ... >. So, in Shakespear ...
403) Commentary Note for line 999:
999 This is the very extacie of loue,
    ... e word in Shakespear ...
404) Commentary Note for line 1010:
1010 I had not {coted} <quoted> him, I {fear'd} <feare> he did but trifle
    ... t appears Shakespear ...
    ... dmirer of Shakespear ...
    ... how, that Shakespear ...
    ... therefore Shakespear ...
    ...  frequent Shakespear ...
    ...  frequent Shakespear ...
405) Commentary Note for line 1011:
1011 And meant to wrack thee, but beshrow my Ielousie:
    ... equent in Shakespear ...
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
406) Commentary Note for line 1012:
1012 {By heauen} <It seemes> it is as proper to our age
    ... ned by <i>Shakespear ...
407) Commentary Note for line 1013:
1013 To cast beyond our selues in our opinions,
    ...  exercise Shakespear ...
408) Commentary Note for line 1019:
1019 {Florish.} Enter King {and} Queene, Rosencraus and
    ... come from Shakespear ...
    ... s back to Shakespear ...
    ... See Cohn, Shakespear ...
    ... graphy of Shakespear ...
    ...  Padua in Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
409) Commentary Note for line 1021:
1021 King. Welcome deere Rosencraus, and Guyldensterne,
    ... ails that Shakespear ...
    ... iety, and Shakespear ...
    ... See Cohn, Shakespear ...
    ... graphy of Shakespear ...
    ...  Padua in Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
410) Commentary Note for line 1026:
1026 Sith {nor} <not> th'exterior, nor the inward man
    ... 201C;When Shakespear ...
    ... tter; for Shakespear ...
    ... after.'   Shakespear ...
    ...  not. </i>Shakespear ...

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