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1151 to 1160 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1151) Commentary Note for line 3848_384:
3848-9 Hora. Now {cracks} <cracke> a noble hart, | good night sweete Prince,
    ... writer on Shakespear ...
    ... writer on Shakespear ...
    ... come from Shakespear ...
    ...  profound Shakespear ...
    ... here with Shakespear ...
    ... ation and Shakespear ...
    ... tudent of Shakespear ...
    ... gret that Shakespear ...
    ... ese words Shakespear ...
    ... ssey's <i>Shakespear ...
    ...  exprsses Shakespear ...
    ... ewhere by Shakespear ...
1152) Commentary Note for line 3850:
3850 And flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest.
    ... nguage of Shakespear ...
    ... ntal, the Shakespear ...
    ... n came to Shakespear ...
1153) Commentary Note for line 3851_385:
3851 Why dooes the drum come hether?
3852 Enter Fortenbrasse, {with the Embassadors.} <and the English Ambassador, with Drumme,>
3853 <Colours, and Attendants.>
3854 For. Where is this sight?
    ...  removal, Shakespear ...
    ... g down of Shakespear ...
1154) Commentary Note for line 3857:
3857 For. {This} <His> quarry cries on hauock, ô {prou'd} <proud> death
    ...  war.' <i>Shakespear ...
    ...  war.' <i>Shakespear ...
    ... kommt bei Shakespear ...
    ...  often in Shakespear ...
    ... ame . . . Shakespere ...
    ... e used by Shakespear ...
    ... ry blood. Shakespear ...
    ... have been Shakespear ...
    ...  in which Shakespear ...
    ... rthy that Shakespear ...
    ... ecularily Shakespear ...
    ... lly after Shakes.) f ...
1155) Commentary Note for line 3858:
3858 What feast is toward in thine eternall cell,
    ...  words in Shakespear ...
    ...  in which Shakespear ...
    ... temporary Shakespear ...
    ... bove from Shakespear ...
    ... g. Though Shakespear ...
1156) Commentary Note for line 3869_387:
3869 He neuer gaue commandement for their death;
3870 But since so iump vpon this bloody question
3871 You from the Pollack warres, and you from England
    ... t once in Shakespear ...
1157) Commentary Note for line 3877:
3877 Of accidentall iudgements, casuall slaughters{,}
    ...  hand. As Shakespear ...
1158) Commentary Note for line 3878_387:
3878 Of {deaths} <death's> put on by cunning, and {for no} <forc'd> cause
3879 And in this vpshot, purposes mistooke,
    ... little by Shakespear ...
1159) Commentary Note for line 3880_388:
3880 Falne on th'inuenters heads: all this can I 3880
3881 Truly deliuer.
3882 For. Let vs hast to heare it,
    ... l be pre- Shakespear ...
1160) Commentary Note for line 3883_388:
3883 And call the noblest to the audience,
3884 For me, with sorrowe I embrace my fortune,
3885 I haue some {rights,} <Rites> of memory in this kingdome, 3885
    ... ded, that Shakespear ...

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