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1141 to 1150 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1141) Commentary Note for line 3809:
3809 Drinke {of} <off> this potion, is {the Onixe} <thy Vnion> heere?
    ... ikely <i> Shakespear ...
1142) Commentary Note for line 3814_381:
3814 Mine and my fathers death come not vppon thee,
3815 Nor thine on me. <Dyes.> 3815
    ... n used by Shakespare ...
1143) Commentary Note for line 3819:
3819 That are but mutes, or audience to this act,
    ... ghter, <i>Shakespear ...
1144) Commentary Note for line 3820_382:
3820 Had I but time, as this fell sergeant Death 3820
3821 Is strict in his arrest, ô I could tell you,
3822 But let it be; Horatio I am dead,
    ... tage. <sc>Shakespear ...
    ... iter, but Shakespear ...
    ... #x201C;In Shakespear ...
    ... dyd. 1602 SHAKES. Ha ...
1145) Commentary Note for line 3825_382:
3825 Hora. Neuer belieue it;
3826 I am more an anticke Romaine then a Dane,
3827 Heere's yet some liquer left.
    ... e history Shakespear ...
    ...  Horn, <i>Shakespear ...
    ... t a later Shakespear ...
1146) Commentary Note for line 3830:
3830 O {god} <good> Horatio, what a wounded name {O1v}
    ... tablished Shakespear ...
1147) Commentary Note for line 3831_383:
3831 Things standing thus vnknowne, shall {I leaue} <liue> behind me?
3832 If thou did'st euer hold me in thy hart,
3833 Absent thee from felicity a while,
    ... t is that Shakespear ...
1148) Commentary Note for line 3838_384:
3838 Enter Osrick.
3839 Osr. Young Fortenbrasse with conquest come from Poland,
3840 To th'embassadors of England giues this warlike volly. 3840
    ... . Perhaps Shakespear ...
    ... his point Shakespear ...
    ...  [ . . .] Shakespear ...
1149) Commentary Note for line 3841_384:
3841 Ham. O I die Horatio,
3842 The potent poyson quite ore-crowes my spirit,
3843 I cannot liue to heare the newes from England,
    ... ps be <i> Shakespear ...
    ... o also in Shakespear ...
    ...  <i>About Shakespear ...
1150) Commentary Note for line 3846_384:
3846 So tell him, with th'occurrants more and lesse
3847 Which haue solicited, the rest is silence. < O, o, o, o. Dyes>
    ... ngauge of Shakespear ...
    ... ></tab><i>Shakespear ...
    ... ann in <i>Shakespear ...

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