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1100 to 1109 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1100) Commentary Note for line 3627_362:
3627-8 signes, and three | liberall conceited carriages, that's the French
3628-9 {bet} <but> a|gainst the Danish, why is this {all} <impon'd as> you call it?
    ...  the more Shakespear ...
    ... papers as Shakespear ...
    ... ord which Shakespear ...
1101) Commentary Note for line 3630_363:
3630-1 {Cour.} <Osr.> The King sir, hath layd {sir,} that in a dozen passes be|tweene
    ... iliar, in Shakespear ...
    ... ue one in Shakespear ...
    ... iculed by Shakesepar ...
    ...  he says. Shakespear ...
    ... dering of Shakespear ...
    ... ve struck Shakespear ...
    ...  are that Shakespear ...
1102) Commentary Note for line 3649_365:
3649-50 Hora. This Lapwing runnes away with the shell on his | head.
3651-2 Ham. A did {so sir} <Complie> with his dugge before a | suckt it, thus {has} <had> he and 3651
    ... cessary.  Shakespear ...
    ... l term in Shakespear ...
    ... opied, by Shakespear ...
    ...   term in Shakespear ...
    ... opied, by Shakespear ...
    ...   term in Shakespear ...
    ...  times by Shakespear ...
    ... e time of Shakespear ...
1103) Commentary Note for line 3652_365:
3652-3 {many} <mine> more of the same {breede} <Beauy> | that I know the drossy age dotes on,
    ... elongs to Shakespear ...
1104) Commentary Note for line 3653_365:
3653-4 only got the tune of | the time, and {out of an} <outward> habit of incounter, a
    ... carcely a Shakespear ...
    ... /i>  1596 SHAKES. Ta ...
1105) Commentary Note for line 3654_365:
3654-5 kind of {histy} | <yesty> colection, which carries them through and through
    ... nguage of Shakespear ...
    ... d 77.  So Shakespear ...
    ... ords with Shakespear ...
    ... i> is for Shakespear ...
1106) Commentary Note for line 3656:
3656 the most {prophane and trennowed} <fond and winnowed> opinions, and doe but blowe 3656
    ... #x201C;<i>Shakespear ...
    ... p; 77. so Shakespear ...
    ...  and that Shakespear ...
    ... nd</i> of Shakespear ...
    ... urtier of Shakespear ...
    ... Therefore Shakespear ...
    ... s eds. of Shakespear ...
    ... White (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... gl. Grant Shakespear ...
    ... tings of  Shakespear ...
    ... ion of <i>Shakespear ...
    ... nd</i> of Shakespear ...
    ... e case in Shakespear ...
    ... itings of Shakespear ...
    ... n of that Shakespear ...
    ...  and what Shakespear ...
    ... gical for Shakespear ...
    ... etters in Shakespear ...
    ... y enough. Shakespear ...
    ... nowed', a Shakespear ...
    ...  was that Shakespear ...
    ... th one of Shakespear ...
    ... e hadn of Shakespear ...
    ... rasies of Shakespear ...
    ...  who knew Shakespear ...
    ... ooking at Shakespear ...
    ... igible if Shakespear ...
    ... ported by Shakespear ...
    ... </i> That Shakespear ...
    ... )). Among Shakespear ...
    ... eading of Shakespear ...
    ... )) and in Shakespear ...
    ...  Probably Shakespear ...
1107) Commentary Note for line 3657_1_3:
3657+1 {Enter a Lord.} 3657+1
3657+2 {Lord. My Lord, his Maiestie commended him to you by young}
3657+3 {Ostricke, who brings backe to him that you attend him in the hall,}
    ...  charged. Shakespear ...
1108) Commentary Note for line 3657_4_3:
3657+4 {he sends to know if your pleasure hold to play with Laertes, or that}
3657+5 {you will take longer time?} 3657+5
    ...  charged. Shakespear ...
1109) Commentary Note for line 3657_6_3:
3657+6 {Ham. I am constant to my purposes, they followe the Kings plea-}
3657+7 {sure, if his fitnes speakes, mine is ready: now or whensoeuer, pro-}
3657+8 {uided I be so able as now.}
    ...  charged. Shakespear ...
    ... nfined to Shakespear ...

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