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1090 to 1099 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1090) Commentary Note for line 3610_3_3:
3610+3 {deede to speake fellingly of him, hee is the card or kalender of gen-}
3610+4 {try: for you shall find in him the continent of what part a Gentle-}
3610+5 {man would see.} 3610+5
    ... erhaps <i>Shakespear ...
    ... equent in Shakespear ...
    ...  to which Shakespear ...
    ... anding of Shakespear ...
    ... itor, not Shakespear ...
    ... eaning in Shakespear ...
1091) Commentary Note for line 3610_6_3:
3610+6 {Ham. Sir, his definement suffers no perdition in you, though I}
3610+7 {know to deuide him inuentorially, would dazzie th'arithmaticke of}
    ... ason that Shakespear ...
    ... g between Shakespear ...
    ... anding of Shakespear ...
    ... culiar to Shakespear ...
1092) Commentary Note for line 3610_8:
3610+8 {memory, and yet but raw neither, in respect of his quick saile, but}
    ... s eds. of Shakespear ...
    ... nguage of Shakespear ...
    ... c fops of Shakespear ...
    ... s eds. of Shakespear ...
    ... er' is in Shakespear ...
    ... i>, is in Shakespear ...
    ... ason that Shakespear ...
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
    ... anings in Shakespear ...
    ... g between Shakespear ...
    ... anding of Shakespear ...
    ... anding of Shakespear ...
    ... g between Shakespear ...
    ... culiar to Shakespear ...
    ... ewhere in Shakespear ...
1093) Commentary Note for line 3612_3_3:
3612+3 {Cour. I meane sir for this weapon, but in the imputation laide on}
3612+4 {him, by them in his meed, hee's vnfellowed.} 3611+4
    ...  such  as Shakespear ...
    ... ur. a1616 SHAKESPEAR ...
1094) Commentary Note for line 3613_361:
3613 Ham. What's his weapon?
3614 {Cour.} <Osr.> Rapier and Dagger.
    ... ngland zu Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
1095) Commentary Note for line 3616:
3616 {Cour.} <Osr.> The {King sir} <sir King> {hath wagerd} <ha's wag'd> with him six Barbary hor|ses,
    ... ance with Shakespear ...
1096) Commentary Note for line 3617_361:
3617-8 againgst the which hee {has impaund} <impon'd> as I take it six French | Rapiers
    ... oduced by Shakespear ...
1097) Commentary Note for line 3619_362:
3619-20 of the carriages in faith, are very | deare to fancy, very responsiue to
    ... g between Shakespear ...
1098) Commentary Note for line 3622_362:
3622 Ham. What call you the carriages?
3622+1 {Hora. I knew you must be edified by the margent ere you had} 3622+1
3622+2 {done.} {N3} 3622+2
    ... e sea. <i>Shakespear ...
    ...  all.' <i>Shakespear ...
1099) Commentary Note for line 3624_362:
3624-5 Ham. The phrase would bee more Ierman to the | matter if wee
    ... ne state. Shakespear ...
    ...  Notes on Shakespear ...
    ... d it like Shakespear ...
    ... aucer //] Shakesepar ...

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