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1031 to 1040 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1031) Commentary Note for line 3474:
3474 Ile doo't, doost <thou> come heere to whine?
    ... se, which Shakespear ...
1032) Commentary Note for line 3482:
3482 {Quee.} <Kin.> This is meere madnesse,
    ... .  But if Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
1033) Commentary Note for line 3485_348:
3485 When that her golden {cuplets} <Cuplet> are {disclosed} <disclos'd> 3485
3486 His silence will sit drooping.
    ...  works of Shakespear ...
    ... ting upon Shakespear ...
    ... vation in Shakespear ...
    ... stance of Shakespear ...
    ... his fact. Shakespear ...
1034) Commentary Note for line 3490_349:
3490 Let Hercules himselfe doe what he may
3491 The Cat will mew, and Dogge will haue his day. Exit {Hamlet}
    ... ssages in Shakespear ...
    ... </sc> (<i>Shakespear ...
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
1035) Commentary Note for line 3495_349:
3495 Good Gertrard set some watch ouer your sonne, 3495
3496 This graue shall haue a liuing monument,
    ... trived by Shakespear ...
1036) Commentary Note for line 3497:
3497 An houre of quiet {thereby} <shortly> shall we see
    ... r because Shakespear ...
    ... the sense Shakespear ...
1037) Commentary Note for line 3499:
3499 Enter Hamlet and Horatio.
    ... able that Shakespear ...
1038) Commentary Note for line 3500:
3500 Ham. So much for this sir, now {shall you} <let me> see the other, 3500
    ... s are not Shakespear ...
    ... able that Shakespear ...
    ... kingdom'. Shakespear ...
1039) Commentary Note for line 3501:
3501 You doe remember all the circumstance.
    ... that from Shakespear ...
    ... able that Shakespear ...
1040) Commentary Note for line 3502:
3502 Hora. Remember it my Lord.
    ... that from Shakespear ...
    ... able that Shakespear ...

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