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1021 to 1030 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1021) Commentary Note for line 3450:
3450 Beares such an emphesis, whose phrase of sorrow
    ... on [that] Shakespear ...
1022) Commentary Note for line 3452:
3452 Like wonder wounded hearers: this is I
    ... ever read Shakespear ...
    ... gleby, <i>Shakespear ...
    ... e silent. Shakespear ...
    ... die' ((<i>Shakespere ...
    ... ntly that Shakespare ...
1023) Commentary Note for line 3453:
3453 Hamlet the Dane.
    ... s just as Shakespear ...
    ... very case Shakespear ...
1024) Commentary Note for line 3457:
3457 {For} <Sir> though I am not spleenatiue <and> rash,
    ... ments, so Shakespear ...
    ... ntly that Shakespear ...
    ... only that Shakespear ...
    ... ver, that Shakespear ...
1025) Commentary Note for line 3458:
3458 Yet haue I {in me something} <something in me> dangerous,
    ... Deutschen Shakespear ...
    ... only that Shakespear ...
1026) Commentary Note for line 3466:
3466 Ham. I loued Ophelia, forty thousand brothers
    ... n some of Shakespear ...
    ... wish that Shakespear ...
    ... s father. Shakespear ...
1027) Commentary Note for line 3467:
3467 Could not with all theyr quantitie of loue
    ... n some of Shakespear ...
    ... wish that Shakespear ...
    ... s father. Shakespear ...
1028) Commentary Note for line 3468:
3468 Make vp my summe. What wilt thou doo for her.
    ... assage in Shakespear ...
    ... n some of Shakespear ...
    ... wish that Shakespear ...
    ... s father. Shakespear ...
1029) Commentary Note for line 3471:
3471 Ham. {S'wounds} <Come> shew me what th'owt doe:
    ... ered what Shakespear ...
    ... e perhaps Shakespear ...
1030) Commentary Note for lines 3472-73:
3472 Woo't weepe, woo't fight, {woo't fast,} woo't teare thy selfe,
3473 Woo't drinke vp Esill, eate a Crocadile?
    ... ng to <sc>Shakespear ...
    ... r to show Shakespear ...
    ... <i>v. </i>Shakespear ...
    ... : nor has Shakespear ...
    ... able. Had Shakespear ...
    ... 212; that Shakespear ...
    ... able. Had Shakespear ...
    ... : nor has Shakespear ...
    ... ession in Shakespear ...
    ... s used by Shakespear ...
    ... kely that Shakespear ...
    ... as low as Shakespear ...
    ... confident Shakespear ...
    ... even that Shakespear ...
    ... r if not, Shakespear ...
    ... kely that Shakespear ...
    ... as low as Shakespear ...
    ... assage in Shakespear ...
    ... ture that Shakespear ...
    ... any case, Shakespear ...
    ... ishman in Shakespear ...
    ... llants of Shakespear ...
    ... tion; for Shakespear ...
    ... ession in Shakespear ...
    ... , was bei Shakespear ...
    ... ugt, dass Shakespear ...
    ... ellen bei Shakespear ...
    ... arf, dass Shakespare ...
    ... occurs in Shakespear ...
    ... nced that Shakespear ...
    ... ssages in Shakespear ...
    ... ion, that Shakespear ...
    ... ession in Shakespear ...
    ...  preceded Shakespear ...
    ... . Used by Shakespear ...
    ... ormwood.' Shakespear ...
    ... sage from Shakespear ...
    ... e speech. Shakespear ...
    ...  works of Shakespear ...
    ... tion; for Shakespear ...
    ... ession in Shakespear ...
    ... ture that Shakespear ...
    ... any case, Shakespear ...
    ... ishman in Shakespear ...
    ... t was not Shakespear ...
    ... : nor has Shakespear ...
    ...  vogue in Shakespear ...
    ...  in proof Shakespear ...
    ... rdance to Shakespear ...
    ... </i>; <sc>Shakespear ...
    ...  preceded Shakespear ...
    ... sell</i>. Shakespear ...
    ... s, or why Shakespear ...
    ... o weather Shakespear ...
    ... how often Shakespear ...
    ... wing that Shakespear ...
    ... ishman in Shakespear ...
    ... ical, but Shakespear ...
    ...  is, that Shakespear ...
    ...  that the Shakespear ...
    ...  not like Shakespear ...
    ... hint that Shakespear ...
    ... llants of Shakespear ...
    ... hing!' If Shakespear ...
    ... i>, cxi., Shakespear ...
    ... med until Shakespear ...
    ... rsonal of Shakespear ...
    ... n between Shakespear ...
    ... ense that Shakespear ...
    ... e like in Shakespear ...

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