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791 to 800 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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791) Commentary Note for lines 2692-93:
2692-3 Ham. Nothing but to shew you how a King may goe | a progresse
2693 through the guts of a begger. {K2v}

    ... </tab><b>progresse</b>] <sc>Verity</sc> (ed. 1904): &#x201C;the regular word in Shakespeare's time for the state-journeys of the sovereign. Compare a note appen ...
792) Commentary Note for line 2701:
2701 King. Hamlet this deede <of thine,> for thine especiall safety

    ... >clrl</sc>ec</hanging><para><sc>2701-30<tab> </tab> Coleridge </sc>(Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, Lecture 12, 1812 rept. in John Payne Collier longhand tr ...

    ... ;D<small>r</small>. Johnson further states that in the journe voyage to England Shakespeare merely followed the novel as he found it, as if he had no other &lt; ...

    ... , are likewise found in <i>The Hystory of Hamblet</i>.'&#x201D; &lt;/n.&gt; but Shakespeare never adhered to followed a novel but where he saw the story contrib ...

    ... an incident in the old story &amp; there it is used merely as an incident, but Shakespeare saw how it could be applied to his own great purpose, and how it was ...
793) Commentary Note for line 2705:
2705 The Barck is ready, and the wind at helpe, 2705

    ... se of <i>a </i>mentioned in &#167;140 was becoming unintelligible and vulgar in Shakespeare's time, and he generally uses <i>at</i> instead. The article is gene ...

    ... b> </tab><b>at helpe</b>] <sc>Furness (</sc>ed. 1877): &#x201C;For instances of Shakespeare's use of &#8216;at' instead of &#8216;a' see contraction of the Angl ...

    ... mall>compare &#8216;fell on sleep,'</small> <small>Acts xiii. 36). See Abbott's Shakespearean Grammar, &#167;143. &#8216;<i>At</i> foot,' 57 below, is a differe ...
794) Commentary Note for lines 2712-13:
2712-3 Ham. I see a Cherub that sees {thē} <him:> but come for | England,
2713 Farewell deere Mother.

    ... 6;The cherub Contemplation.'</para> <para>&#x201C;It can hardly be doubted that Shakespeare was familiar with this tradition and refers to it here and in severa ...

    ... hat these traditions about the Heavenly Orders were quite familiar to people in Shakespeare's time.&#x201D; &lt;/p. 290&gt;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1931<tab> </ ...
795) Commentary Note for line 2718:
2718 King. Follow him at foote,

    ... n Q2, and the interesting question arises whether this was done deliberately by Shakespeare or is due to the compositor. Mr Percy Simpson has claimed that lines ...

    ... ivided line appears as such in both Q2 and F1, so that it probably derives from Shakespeare. It occurs in <i>. </i>[4.3.54-5 (2718-20)] at the opening of the Ki ...

    ... rapidly.&#x201D; &lt;/2:226&gt;</para> <para>&lt;n&gt;&lt;2:225&gt; &#x201C;2<i>Shakespearian</i> <i>Punctuation</i>, pp. 69-70.&#x201D; &lt;/2:225&gt;&lt;/n&gt ...
796) Commentary Note for line 2723:
2723 And England, if my loue thou hold'st at ought,

    ... e of <i>a </i>mentioned in (&#167;140 was becoming unintelligible and vulgar in Shakespeare's time, and he generally uses <i>at</i> instead. The article is gene ...

    ... ount as belonging to Clemen's type of 'planning soliloquy', see <i>Kommentar zu Shakespeare's 'Richard III' </i>(G&#246;ttingen, 1957). The dramatist's need of ...
797) Commentary Note for line 2727:
2727 Payes homage to vs, thou mayst not coldly set

    ... >An Enquiry into the Genuineness of the MS. in Mr. J. Payne Collier's annotated Shakespeare</i>, pp. 34-85.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1867<tab> </tab><sc> ...
798) Commentary Note for line 2728:
2728 Our soueraigne processe, which imports at full

    ... ;<i>mandate</i>: &#8216;Where's Fulvia's process? <i>Ant</i>. [1.1.28 (39)]. <i>Shakespeare Lexicon</i>.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1890<tab> </tab><sc>irv ...
799) Commentary Note for line 2729:
2729 By Letters {congruing} <coniuring> to that effect

    ... sc>Heath</sc> (1765, pp.543-4) notes: &lt;p.543&gt;&#x201C;Mr. Theobald, in his Shakespear restored, p.109&#8212; &lt;/p.543&gt;&lt;p.544&gt;111. hath made it f ...

    ... er, or from this; all were accented <i>c&#243;njure</i>. Instances are found in Shakespeare both ways: and Hall has <i>conj&#250;r'd</i>, for raised by conjurat ...

    ... Quartos have <i>congruing</i>. <i>To c&#243;njure</i> is the usual emphasis for Shakespeare; <i>conj&#250;re</i> is found less frequently in his works.]</para>< ...

    ... erb is to <i>conjure</i>, to supplicate. There are many examples to be found in Shakespeare's plays, by which it may be proved that the verb to <i>conjure </i>w ...

    ... </tab><b>congruing</b>] <sc>Hudson</sc> (ed. 1872): c&#243;njuring,] &#x201C;In Shakespeare's time the two senses of <i>conjure</i> had not acquired each its pe ...

    ... ng</i> seems to me the better reading. The word does not occur anywhere else in Shakespeare, except in the pirated and spurious Qq. of <i>H5</i> [2.1.54 (556)], ...

    ... where, and perhaps, as Mr. Stone suggests in his edition of the play, formed by Shakespeare by analogy with agree.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1891<tab> </t ...

    ... o has <i>congree</i>. It seems to me not improbable that <i>congrue</i> is what Shakespeare wrote in each place, and that the editors of the Folio, twenty years ...

    ... s</sc> (ed. 1985): &#x201C;agreeing. So Q2. &#8216;congrue' is a word unique to Shakespeare, occurring only here and in the bad quarto of <i>H5</i>. The F scrib ...
800) Commentary Note for line 2731:
2731 For like the Hectique in my blood he rages,

    ... an Hectick, or continuall Feauer.' This is the only passage where it occurs in Shakespeare either as substantive or adjective.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla> ...

    ... : Sicke of an Hectick, or continuall Feauer.' The word is not used elsewhere by Shakespeare.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1891<tab> </tab><sc>dtn</sc></sigla ...

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