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961 to 970 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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961) Commentary Note for lines 3217-18:
3217-8 more then theyr euen {Christen:}<Christi|an.> Come my spade, there is no aunci-
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... e of Shake ...
    ...  bei Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
962) Commentary Note for lines 3218-20:
3218-9 ent gentlemen | but Gardners, Ditchers, and Grauemakers, they hold
3219-20 vp | Adams profession.
    ... o in Shake ...
963) Commentary Note for line 3221:
3221 Other. Was he a gentleman? 3221
    ... y as Shake ...
    ... s in Shake ...
964) Commentary Note for lines 3230-31:
3230-1 Clow. What is he that builds stronger then eyther the | Mason, the 3230
3231 Shypwright, or the Carpenter.
    ...  von Shake ...
    ... from Shake ...
965) Commentary Note for lines 3232-33:
3232-3 Other. The gallowes maker, for that <Frame> out-liues a | thousand tenants.
    ...  <i> Shake ...
966) Commentary Note for line 3245:
3245 <Enter Hamlet and Horatio a farre off.> 3245
    ... y in Shake ...
    ... r of Shake ...
967) Commentary Note for lines 3246-49:
3246-7 Clow. Cudgell thy braines no more about it, for your | dull asse wil
3247-8 not mend his pace with beating, and when | you are askt this question
3248-9 next, say a graue-maker, the | houses <that> hee makes lasts till Doomesday.
    ... d in Shake ...
968) Commentary Note for lines 3249-50:
3249-50 Goe get thee | {in, and} <to Yaughan,> fetch mee a soope of liquer.
    ... t of Shake ...
    ... ext [Shake ...
    ... s <i>Shake ...
    ... i>.' Shake ...
    ... e of Shake ...
    ... e of Shake ...
    ... rely Shake ...
    ...  (<i>Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... chen Shake ...
    ... chen Shake ...
    ... y in Shake ...
    ... idge Shake ...
    ... r in Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
    ...  was Shake ...
    ... r in Shake ...
    ... (New Shake ...
    ... s in Shake ...
    ...  see Shake ...
969) Commentary Note for lines 3252-55:
3252 In youth when I did loue did loue, {Song.}
3253 Me thought it was very sweet
3254 To contract ô the time for a my behoue,
3255 O me thought there {a} was nothing {a} meet.
    ... t of Shake ...
    ... less Shake ...
    ... less Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... from Shake ...
    ... e of Shake ...
    ... what Shake ...
    ... e <i>Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... c in Shake ...
    ... from Shake ...
    ... r on Shake ...
970) Commentary Note for lines 3263-66:
3263 {Clow. } But age with his stealing steppes {Song.}
3264 hath {clawed} <caught> me in his clutch,
3265 And hath shipped me {into} <intill> the land,
3266 as if I had neuer been such. 3266
    ... sen. Shake ...
    ... val. Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... s to Shake ...

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