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941 to 950 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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941) Commentary Note for line 3159:
3159 That showes his {horry} <hore> leaues in the glassy streame,
    ... ost. Shake ...
    ... ices Shake ...
    ...  is. Shake ...
942) Commentary Note for line 3160:
3160 Therewith fantastique garlands did she {make} <come,>
    ...  For Shake ...
943) Commentary Note for line 3161:
3161 Of Crowflowers, Nettles, Daises, and long Purples
    ... here Shake ...
    ... s <i>Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ...  all Shake ...
    ... from Shake ...
    ... ((<i>Shake ...
    ... >The Shake ...
944) Commentary Note for line 3162:
3162 That liberall Shepheards giue a grosser name,
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
945) Commentary Note for line 3163:
3163 But our {cull-cold} <cold> maydes doe dead mens fingers call them.
    ... that Shake ...
    ... . in Shake ...
946) Commentary Note for line 3164:
3164 There on the pendant boughes her {cronet} <Coronet> weedes
    ... e in Shake ...
947) Commentary Note for line 3165:
3165 Clambring to hang, an enuious sliuer broke, {M1v}
    ... m in Shake ...
948) Commentary Note for line 3169:
3169 Which time she chaunted snatches of old {laudes} <tunes>,
    ...  but Shake ...
    ... &gt; Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... from Shake ...
    ... s in Shake ...
949) Commentary Note for line 3172:
3172 Vnto that elament, but long it could not be
    ... her. Shake ...
    ... w of Shake ...
950) Commentary Note for line 3178:
3178 Laer. Too much of water hast thou poore Ophelia,
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... l to Shake ...

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