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901 to 910 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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901) Commentary Note for line 3029:
3029 Who dipping all his faults in theyr affection,
    ... t in Shake ...
    ...  (<i>Shake ...
    ... red. Shake ...
    ... ble. Shake ...
    ...  and Shake ...
902) Commentary Note for line 3030:
3030 Too slightly tymberd for so {loued Arm'd} <loud a Winde>,
    ... s on Shake ...
    ... chen Shake ...
903) Commentary Note for line 3034:
3034 A sister driuen into desprat termes,
    ...  (in Shake ...
904) Commentary Note for line 3041:
3041 That we can let our beard be shooke with danger,
    ... g of Shake ...
    ... n it shake ...
905) Commentary Note for line 3051:
3051 They were giuen me by Claudio, he receiued them
    ...  for Shake ...
906) Commentary Note for lines 3062-63:
3062 King. Tis Hamlets caracter. Naked,
3062-3 And in a post|script heere he sayes alone,
    ... e in Shake ...
907) Commentary Note for line 3063:
3063 Can you {deuise} <aduise> me?
    ... e in Shake ...
908) Commentary Note for line 3070:
3070 Laer. {I my Lord,} <If> so {you will} <you'l> not ore-rule me to a peace. 3070
    ... . In Shake ...
909) Commentary Note for line 3072:
3072 As {the King} <checking> at his voyage, and that he meanes
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
910) Commentary Note for line 3077:
3077 But euen his Mother shall vncharge the practise,
    ... s <i>Shake ...

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