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891 to 900 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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891) Commentary Note for line 2951:
2951 Laer. Doe you <see> this {ô God.} <you Gods?>
    ...  <i> Shake ...
892) Commentary Note for line 2952:
2952 King. Laertes, I must {commune} <common> with your griefe,
    ... 1;<i>Shake ...
    ...  (<i>Shake ...
    ... rant Shake ...
    ... f <i>Shake ...
    ... y in Shake ...
893) Commentary Note for line 2963:
2963 Laer. Let this be so.
    ... rto. Shake ...
894) Commentary Note for line 2964:
2964 His meanes of death, his obscure {funerall,} <buriall;>
    ... ble; Shake ...
    ... s by Shake ...
895) Commentary Note for line 2965:
2965 No {trophe sword} <Trophee, Sword>, nor hatchment ore his bones, 2965
    ... ' <i>Shake ...
    ... . <i>Shake ...
    ... ' <i>Shake ...
    ... ' <i>Shake ...
    ... ' <i>Shake ...
    ... ' <i>Shake ...
896) Commentary Note for line 2986_298:
2986-7 {Hor. } Horatio, when thou shalt haue ouer-lookt this, giue these | fel-
    ... y of Shake ...
    ... , in Shake ...
897) Commentary Note for line 2988_298:
2988-9 were two daies old at Sea, a Pyrat of very | warlike appointment gaue
    ... d in Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ...  not Shake ...
    ... r in Shake ...
898) Commentary Note for line 3003:
3003 {Hor. }Come I will <giue> you way for these your letters,
    ... word Shake ...
899) Commentary Note for line 3014:
3014 So {criminall} <crimefull,> and so capitall in nature,
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... e by Shake ...
    ... ding Shake ...
    ... read Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... ' of Shake ...
    ... s to Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... g in Shake ...
    ... es a Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
900) Commentary Note for line 3018:
3018 Which may to you perhaps seeme much {vnsinnow'd} <vnsinnowed>,
    ... n by Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
    ... , in Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ...  for Shake ...

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