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821 to 830 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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821) Commentary Note for line 2743+47:
2743+47 {Euen for an Egge-shell. Rightly to be great,}
    ... f <i>Shake ...
    ... alls Shake ...
    ...  and Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
822) Commentary Note for line 2743+48:
2743+48 {Is not to stirre without great argument,}
    ... when Shake ...
    ... s in Shake ...
823) Commentary Note for line 2743+50:
2743+50 {When honour's at the stake, how stand I then} 2743+50
    ... that Shake ...
824) Commentary Note for line 2743+54:
2743+54 {The iminent death of twenty thousand men,}
    ... n to Shake ...
    ... n to Shake ...
825) Commentary Note for line 2743+58:
2743+58 {Which is not tombe enough and continent}
    ... y in Shake ...
    ... s in Shake ...
    ... with Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
826) Commentary Note for line 2743+60:
2743+60 {My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth. Exit.} 2743+60
    ... g to Shake ...
827) Commentary Note for line 2744:
2744 Enter {Horatio, Gertrard,} <Queene and Horatio> {and a Gentleman}. 2744
    ... been Shake ...
    ... been Shake ...
    ...  the Shake ...
828) Commentary Note for line 2745:
2745 Quee. I will not speake with her.
    ... eer, Shake ...
829) Commentary Note for lines 2746-47:
2746 {Gent.} <Hor.> Shee is importunat,
2746-7 Indeede distract, her moode | will needes be pittied.
    ... tal. Shake ...
    ... t of Shake ...
    ... t of Shake ...
830) Commentary Note for line 2749:
2749 {Gent.} <Hor.> She speakes much of her father, sayes she heares
    ...  all Shake ...

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