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791 to 800 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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791) Commentary Note for lines 2692-93:
2692-3 Ham. Nothing but to shew you how a King may goe | a progresse
2693 through the guts of a begger. {K2v}
    ... d in Shake ...
792) Commentary Note for line 2701:
2701 King. Hamlet this deede <of thine,> for thine especiall safety
    ... s on Shake ...
    ... land Shake ...
    ...  but Shake ...
    ...  but Shake ...
793) Commentary Note for line 2705:
2705 The Barck is ready, and the wind at helpe, 2705
    ... r in Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... tt's Shake ...
794) Commentary Note for lines 2712-13:
2712-3 Ham. I see a Cherub that sees {thē} <him:> but come for | England,
2713 Farewell deere Mother.
    ... that Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
795) Commentary Note for line 2718:
2718 King. Follow him at foote,
    ... y by Shake ...
    ... from Shake ...
    ... ;2<i>Shake ...
796) Commentary Note for line 2723:
2723 And England, if my loue thou hold'st at ought,
    ... r in Shake ...
    ... r zu Shake ...
797) Commentary Note for line 2727:
2727 Payes homage to vs, thou mayst not coldly set
    ... ated Shake ...
798) Commentary Note for line 2728:
2728 Our soueraigne processe, which imports at full
    ... . <i>Shake ...
799) Commentary Note for line 2729:
2729 By Letters {congruing} <coniuring> to that effect
    ...  his Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
    ...  for Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
    ... C;In Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... what Shake ...
    ... e to Shake ...
800) Commentary Note for line 2731:
2731 For like the Hectique in my blood he rages,
    ... s in Shake ...
    ... e by Shake ...

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