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631 to 640 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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631) Commentary Note for line 2259:
2259 Tis now the very witching time of night,
    ... C;<i>Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... most Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
    ... ech, Shake ...
632) Commentary Note for line 2260:
2260 When Churchyards yawne, and hell it selfe {breakes} <breaths> out 2260
    ... C;If Shake ...
633) Commentary Note for line 2262:
2262 And doe such <bitter> busines as the {bitter} day
    ... r <i>Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... e of Shake ...
    ... e of Shake ...
    ... h in Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... most Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... n of Shake ...
    ... s <i>Shake ...
    ... n of Shake ...
    ... n of Shake ...
    ... orum Shake ...
    ... orce Shake ...
    ... arer Shake ...
    ... h in Shake ...
    ... s on Shake ...
634) Commentary Note for line 2265:
2265 The soule of Nero enter this firme bosome, 2265
    ... red. Shake ...
635) Commentary Note for line 2267:
2267 I will speake {dagger} <Daggers> to her, but vse none,
    ... s of Shake ...
636) Commentary Note for line 2268:
2268 My tongue and soule in this be hypocrites,
    ... e <i>SHAKE ...
637) Commentary Note for line 2269:
2269 How in my words someuer she be shent,
    ... c in Shake ...
    ... tt's Shake ...
638) Commentary Note for line 2270:
2270 To giue them seales neuer my soule consent. {Exit.}
    ... tt's Shake ...
639) Commentary Note for line 2272:
2272 King. I like him not, nor stands it safe with vs
    ... d <i>Shake ...
    ... C;<i>Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
640) Commentary Note for line 2277:
2277 Hazerd so {neer's} <dangerous> as doth hourely grow
    ... with Shake ...

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