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601 to 610 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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601) Commentary Note for line 2114:
2114 Ham. I could interpret betweene you and your loue
    ... y in Shake ...
602) Commentary Note for line 2115:
2115 If I could see the puppets dallying. {H3}
    ... e of Shake ...
    ... tion Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... nay, Shake ...
    ... s in Shake ...
603) Commentary Note for line 2116:
2116 Oph. You are keene my lord, you are keene. 2116
    ... one. Shake ...
604) Commentary Note for lines 2120-23:
2120-1 Ham. So you mistake {your} husbands. | Beginne murtherer, <Pox> leaue
2121-2 thy damnable faces and | begin, come, the croking Rauen doth bellow
2122-3 for {reuenge} <Re-| uenge>.
    ...  his Shake ...
    ... s <i>Shake ...
    ... 01D; Shake ...
    ... , in Shake ...
    ... >New Shake ...
    ... as a Shake ...
    ... >New Shake ...
    ... , in Shake ...
    ... pany Shake ...
605) Commentary Note for lines 2124-25:
2124-5 Luc. Thoughts black, hands apt, | drugges fit, and time agreeing,
    ... rse, Shake ...
    ... ther Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
606) Commentary Note for line 2126:
2126 {Considerat} <Confederate> season els no creature seeing,
    ... e in Shake ...
607) Commentary Note for line 2128:
2128 VVith Hecats ban thrice blasted, thrice {inuected} <infected>,
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... s in Shake ...
    ... n by Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
608) Commentary Note for lines 2132-35:
2132-3 Ham. {A} <He> poysons him i'th Garden {for his} <for's> estate, his | names Gonza-
2133-4 go, the story is extant, and {written in very} <writ in> choice | Italian, you shall see
2134-5 anon how the murtherer gets the | loue of Gonzagoes wife.
    ...  but Shake ...
609) Commentary Note for line 2136:
2136 Oph. The King rises.
    ... 01D; Shake ...
610) Commentary Note for lines 2146-50:
2146-7 {Thus} <So> runnes the world away. | Would not this sir & a forrest of fea-
2147-8 thers, if the rest of | my fortunes turne Turk with me, with <two> prouinciall
2149-50 Roses on my {raz'd} <rac'd> shooes, get me a fellowship in a cry | of players? <sir.>
    ... d <i>SHAKE ...
    ... what Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... 01D; Shake ...
    ... ind. Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... e in Shake ...
    ...  one Shake ...

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