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501 to 510 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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501) Commentary Note for lines 1671-2:
1671 And he beseecht me to intreat your Maiesties
1672 To heare and see the matter.
    ... d by Shake ...
502) Commentary Note for line 1681:
1681 Affront Ophelia; her father and my selfe,<(lawful espials)>
    ... rate Shake ...
    ... y <i>Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
503) Commentary Note for line 1689:
1689 That your good beauties be the happy cause
    ... rely Shake ...
    ... 252, Shake ...
504) Commentary Note for lines 1696-7:
1696 That show of such an exercise may cullour
1697 Your {lowlines;} <lonelinesse.> we are oft too blame in this,
    ... ieve Shake ...
505) Commentary Note for line 1710:
1710 Ham. To be, or not to be, that is the question,
    ... g <i>Shake ...
    ... f <i>Shake ...
    ...  all Shake ...
    ... tten Shake ...
    ...  but Shake ...
    ... d to Shake ...
    ... d in Shake ...
    ...  all Shake ...
    ... e to Shake ...
    ... , <i>Shake ...
    ... rast Shake ...
    ...  the Shake ...
506) Commentary Note for lines 1711-12:
1711 Whether tis nobler in the minde to suffer
1712 The slings and arrowes of outragious fortune,
    ... ' <i>Shake ...
    ... what Shake ...
    ... m.   Shake ...
    ... ).   Shake ...
507) Commentary Note for line 1713:
1713 Or to take Armes against a sea of troubles,
    ...  </i>Shake ...
    ... n <i>Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... f<i> Shake ...
    ... r of Shake ...
    ... n<i> Shake ...
    ... f <i>Shake ...
    ... . <i>Shake ...
    ... tion Shake ...
    ... nian Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... r to Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... t of Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... y of Shake ...
    ... upon Shake ...
    ...   If Shake ...
    ... good Shake ...
    ...  the Shake ...
    ... that Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... ' in Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... para>Shake ...
    ... ther Shake ...
    ... es,' Shake ...
    ... &gt; Shake ...
    ... t in Shake ...
    ... y in Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
    ... here Shake ...
508) Commentary Note for lines 1714-15:
1714 And by opposing, end them, to die to sleepe
1715 No more, and by a sleepe, to say we end
    ... with Shake ...
    ... eing Shake ...
509) Commentary Note for line 1718:
1718 Deuoutly to be wisht to die to sleepe,
    ... ages Shake ...
510) Commentary Note for line 1720:
1720 For in that sleepe of death what dreames may come
    ... What Shake ...

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