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281 to 290 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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281) Commentary Note for line 635:
635 Hath op't his ponderous and marble iawes,
    ... that Shake ...
282) Commentary Note for line 637:
637 That thou dead corse, againe in compleat steele
    ... that Shake ...
    ... , <i>Shake ...
283) Commentary Note for line 638:
638 Reuisites thus the glimses of the Moone,
    ... hich Shake ...
284) Commentary Note for line 639:
639 Making night hideous, and we fooles of nature
    ... ><sc>Shake ...
    ... upon Shake ...
    ... s of Shake ...
    ... gth, Shake ...
    ... cuse Shake ...
    ... n in Shake ...
285) Commentary Note for line 640:
640 So horridly to shake our disposition
    ... d by Shake ...
286) Commentary Note for line 645:
645 As if it some impartment did desire
    ... e in Shake ...
    ... n (a Shake ...
287) Commentary Note for line 648:
648 It {waues} <wafts> you to a more remooued ground,
    ... that Shake ...
    ... d by Shake ...
    ... rm. 'Shake ...
288) Commentary Note for line 655:
655 And for my soule, what can it doe to that {D2}
    ... that Shake ...
289) Commentary Note for line 660:
660 That {bettles} <beetles> ore his base into the sea,
    ... is a Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
    ...  was Shake ...
    ... tes, Shake ...
    ... gs.  Shake ...
    ... than Shake ...
    ... hich Shake ...
290) Commentary Note for line 661:
661 And there {assume} <assumes> some other horrable forme
    ... that Shake ...

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