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991 to 1000 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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991) Commentary Note for lines 3351-52:
3351-2 Clow. Why heere in Denmarke: I haue been {Sexten} <sixeteene>| heere man
3352 and boy thirty yeeres.
992) Commentary Note for lines 3354-56:
3354-5 Clow. {Fayth} <Ifaith,> if a be not rotten before a die, as we haue | many poc-
3355-6 kie corses <now adaies>, that will scarce hold | the laying in, a will last you som eyght
993) Commentary Note for lines 3360-62:
3360-1 out water a great while; & your water | is a sore decayer of your whor-
3361-2 son dead body, heer's a scull | {now hath lyen you} <now: this Scul, has laine> i'th earth {23.} <three & twenty> yeeres.
994) Commentary Note for lines 3368-69:
3368-9 Renish on my head once; this same skull | sir, <this same Scull sir,> was {sir} Yoricks skull, the
3369 Kings Iester
995) Commentary Note for lines 3371-73:
3371 Clow. Een that.
3372-3 Ham. <Let me see.> Alas poore Yoricke, I knew him Ho|ratio, a fellow of infinite
996) Commentary Note for lines 3374-76:
3374-5 sand times, and {now} how | abhorred {in} my imagination {it} is: my gorge
3375-6 rises at it. Heere | hung those lyppes that I haue kist I know not howe
997) Commentary Note for lines 3380-82:
3380-2 to my Ladies | {table} <Chamber>, & tell her, let her paint an inch thicke, to this | fa-
998) Commentary Note for lines 3385-86:
3385-6 Ham. Doost thou thinke Alexander lookt a this fa|shion i'th earth?
999) Commentary Note for line 3400:
3400 {Imperious} <Imperiall> Cæsar dead, and turn'd to Clay, 3400
1000) Commentary Note for line 3403:
3403 Should patch a wall t'expell the {waters} <winters> flaw. 3403

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