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911 to 920 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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911) Commentary Note for line 3078+10:
3078+10 {Of the vnworthiest siedge.}
912) Commentary Note for line 3078+12:
3078+12 {King. A very ribaud in the cap of youth,} 3078+12
913) Commentary Note for line 3078+13:
3078+13 {Yet needfull to, for youth no lesse becomes}
914) Commentary Note for line 3078+16:
3078+16 {Importing health and grauenes;} <Some> two months {since} <hence> 3078+16
915) Commentary Note for line 3081:
3081 And they {can} <ran> well on horsebacke, but this gallant
916) Commentary Note for line 3084:
3084 As had he beene incorp'st, and demy natur'd
917) Commentary Note for line 3085:
3085 With the braue beast, so farre he {topt me} <past my> thought, 3085
918) Commentary Note for line 3090:
3090 Laer. Vppon my life {Lamord } <Lamound >.
919) Commentary Note for line 3092:
3092 Laer. I know him well, he is the brooch indeed
920) Commentary Note for line 3100:
3100 Did Hamlet so enuenom with his enuy,

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