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831 to 840 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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831) Commentary Note for line 2750:
2750 There's tricks i'th world, and hems, and beates her hart, 2750
832) Commentary Note for line 2751:
2751 Spurnes enuiously at strawes, speakes things in doubt
833) Commentary Note for line 2754:
2754 The hearers to collection, they {yawne} <ayme> at it,
834) Commentary Note for lines 2759-61:
2759-60 {Hora.} <Qu.> Twere good she were spoken with, | for shee may strew
2760-1 Dangerous coniectures | in ill breeding mindes,
2761 Let her come in.
835) Commentary Note for line 2762:
2762 {Quee.} ‘To my sicke soule, as sinnes true nature is,
836) Commentary Note for line 2763:
2763 ‘Each toy seemes prologue to some great amisse,
837) Commentary Note for line 2766:
2766 {Enter Ophelia.}
838) Commentary Note for line 2767:
2767 Oph. Where is the beautious Maiestie of Denmarke?
839) Commentary Note for line 2768:
2768 Quee. How now Ophelia? {shee sings.}
840) Commentary Note for line 2769:
2769 Oph. How should I your true loue know from another one,

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