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51 to 60 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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51) Commentary Note for line 110:
110 Had he bin vanquisher; as by the same {comart,} <Cou'nant>
52) Commentary Note for line 111:
111 And carriage of the article desseigne,
53) Commentary Note for line 113:
113 Of vnimprooued mettle, hot and full,
54) Commentary Note for line 114:
114 Hath in the skirts of Norway heere and there
55) Commentary Note for line 115:
115 Sharkt vp a list of {lawelesse} <Landlesse> resolutes
56) Commentary Note for line 116:
116 For foode and diet to some enterprise
57) Commentary Note for line 117:
117 That hath a stomacke in't, which is no other
58) Commentary Note for line 120:
120 And tearmes {compulsatory} <Compulsatiue>, those foresaid lands
59) Commentary Note for line 123:
123 The source of this our watch, and the chiefe head
60) Commentary Note for line 124:
124 Of this post hast and Romadge in the land.

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