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221 to 230 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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221) Commentary Note for line 522:
522 And you are stayed {for, there my} <for there: my> blessing with {thee,} <you;>
222) Commentary Note for line 523:
523 And these fewe precepts in thy memory
223) Commentary Note for line 528:
528 Grapple them {vnto} <to> thy soule with hoopes of steele,
224) Commentary Note for line 529:
529 But doe not dull thy palme with entertainment
225) Commentary Note for line 530:
530 Of each {new hatcht} <vnhatch't,> vnfledgd {courage,} <Comrade.> beware
226) Commentary Note for line 533:
533 Giue euery man {thy} <thine> eare, but fewe thy voyce,
227) Commentary Note for line 534:
534 Take each mans censure, but reserue thy iudgement,
228) Commentary Note for line 536:
536 But not exprest in fancy; rich not gaudy,
229) Commentary Note for line 538:
538 And they in Fraunce of the best ranck and station,
230) Commentary Note for line 539:
539 {Or} <Are> of a most select and {generous, chiefe} <generous cheff> in that:

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