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1151 to 1160 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1151) Commentary Note for line 3848_384:
3848-9 Hora. Now {cracks} <cracke> a noble hart, | good night sweete Prince,
1152) Commentary Note for line 3850:
3850 And flights of Angels sing thee to thy rest.
1153) Commentary Note for line 3851_385:
3851 Why dooes the drum come hether?
3852 Enter Fortenbrasse, {with the Embassadors.} <and the English Ambassador, with Drumme,>
3853 <Colours, and Attendants.>
3854 For. Where is this sight?
1154) Commentary Note for line 3857:
3857 For. {This} <His> quarry cries on hauock, ô {prou'd} <proud> death
1155) Commentary Note for line 3858:
3858 What feast is toward in thine eternall cell,
1156) Commentary Note for line 3869_387:
3869 He neuer gaue commandement for their death;
3870 But since so iump vpon this bloody question
3871 You from the Pollack warres, and you from England
1157) Commentary Note for line 3877:
3877 Of accidentall iudgements, casuall slaughters{,}
1158) Commentary Note for line 3878_387:
3878 Of {deaths} <death's> put on by cunning, and {for no} <forc'd> cause
3879 And in this vpshot, purposes mistooke,
1159) Commentary Note for line 3880_388:
3880 Falne on th'inuenters heads: all this can I 3880
3881 Truly deliuer.
3882 For. Let vs hast to heare it,
1160) Commentary Note for line 3883_388:
3883 And call the noblest to the audience,
3884 For me, with sorrowe I embrace my fortune,
3885 I haue some {rights,} <Rites> of memory in this kingdome, 3885

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