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1130 to 1139 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1130) Commentary Note for line 3731_373:
3731 The King shall drinke to Hamlets better breath,
3732 And in the cup an {Onixe} <vnion> shall he throwe,
1131) Commentary Note for line 3733_373:
3733 Richer then that which foure successiue Kings
3734-5 In Denmarkes Crowne haue worne: | giue me the cups,
1132) Commentary Note for line 3746_374:
3746 Ostrick. A hit, a very palpable hit. {Drum, trumpets and shot.}
3747 Laer. Well, againe. {Florish, a peece goes off.}
1133) Commentary Note for line 3756_375:
3756 Quee. Hee's fat and scant of breath.
3757 {Heere Hamlet take my} <Heere's a> napkin rub thy browes,
3758 The Queene carowses to thy fortune Hamlet.
1134) Commentary Note for line 3768_376:
3768 King. I doe not think't.
3769 Laer. And yet {it is} <'tis> almost {against} <'gainst> my conscience.
1135) Commentary Note for line 3772_377:
3772 I pray you passe with your best violence
3773 I am {sure} <affear'd> you make a wanton of me.
1136) Commentary Note for line 3776_377:
3776 Laer. Haue at you now.
3777 <In scuffling they change Rapiers.>
1137) Commentary Note for line 3786_378:
3786 Ham. How dooes the Queene?
3787 King. Shee sounds to see them bleed.
1138) Commentary Note for line 3791_379:
3791 Ham. O villanie, how let the doore be lock't, 3791
3792 Treachery, seeke it out.
1139) Commentary Note for line 3805_380:
3805 All. Treason, treason.
3806 King. O yet defend me friends, I am but hurt.
3807-8 Ham. Heare thou incestious <murdrous,> | damned Dane,

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