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1071 to 1080 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1071) Commentary Note for line 3561:
3561 Ham. They are not neere my conscience, their {defeat} <debate>
1072) Commentary Note for line 3562_356:
3562 {Dooes} <Doth> by their owne insinnuation growe,
3563 Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes
1073) Commentary Note for line 3564_356:
3564 Betweene the passe and fell incenced points
3565 Of mighty opposits.
1074) Commentary Note for line 3567:
3567 Ham. Dooes it not {thinke} <thinkst> thee stand me now vppon?
1075) Commentary Note for line 3568_356:
3568 He that hath kild my King, and whor'd my mother,
3569 Pop't in betweene th'election and my hopes,
1076) Commentary Note for line 3570_357:
3570 Throwne out his Angle for my proper life,
3571 And with such cusnage, i'st not perfect conscience?
1077) Commentary Note for line 3572_357:
3572 <To quit him with this arme? And is't not to be damn'd>
3573 <To let this Canker of our nature come>
3574 <In further euill.>
1078) Commentary Note for line 3572_74:
3572 <To quit him with this arme? And is't not to be damn'd>
3573 <To let this Canker of our nature come>
3574 <In further euill.>
1079) Commentary Note for line 3581_358:
3581 <For by the image of my Cause, I see>
3582 <The Portraiture of his; Ile count his fauours:>
3583 <But sure the brauery of his griefe did put me>
3584 <Into a Towring passion.>
3585 <Hor. Peace, who comes heere?> 3585
1080) Commentary Note for line 3586:
3586 Enter {a Courtier.} <young Osricke.>

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