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1061 to 1070 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1061) Commentary Note for line 3543:
3543 As peace should still her wheaten garland weare
1062) Commentary Note for line 3544:
3544 And stand a Comma tweene their amities,
1063) Commentary Note for line 3545:
3545 And many such like, {as sir} <Assis> of great charge, 3545
1064) Commentary Note for line 3546:
3546 That on the view, and {knowing} <know> of these contents,
1065) Commentary Note for line 3548_354:
3548 He should {those} <the> bearers put to suddaine death,
3549 Not shriuing time alow'd.
1066) Commentary Note for line 3551_355:
3551 Ham. Why euen in that was heauen {ordinant,} <ordinate;>
3552 I had my fathers signet in my purse
1067) Commentary Note for line 3553:
3553 Which was the modill of that Danish seale,
1068) Commentary Note for line 3556_355:
3556 The changling neuer knowne: now the next day
3557 Was our Sea fight, and what to this was {sequent} <sement,>
1069) Commentary Note for line 3559:
3559 Hora. So Guyldensterne and Rosencraus goe too't.
1070) Commentary Note for line 3560:
3560 <Ham. Why man, they did make loue to this imployment> 3560

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