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1041 to 1050 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1041) Commentary Note for line 3503:
3503 Ham. Sir in my hart there was a kind of fighting
1042) Commentary Note for line 3504:
3504 That would not let me sleepe, {my} <me> thought I lay
1043) Commentary Note for line 3505:
3505 Worse then the mutines in the {bilbo} <Bilboes>, rashly, 3505
1044) Commentary Note for line 3506:
3506 And {praysd} <praise> be rashnes for it: let vs knowe,
1045) Commentary Note for line 3507_350:
3507 Our indiscretion {sometime} <sometimes> serues vs well
3508 When our {deepe} <deare> plots doe {fall} <paule>, & that should {learne} <teach> vs
1046) Commentary Note for line 3509_351:
3509 Ther's a diuinity that shapes our ends,
3510 Rough hew them how we will. 3510
1047) Commentary Note for line 3512_351:
3512 Ham. Vp from my Cabin,
3513 My sea-gowne scarft about me in the darke
1048) Commentary Note for line 3514:
3514 Gropt I to find out them, had my desire,
1049) Commentary Note for line 3515:
3515 Fingard their packet, and in fine with-drew 3515
1050) Commentary Note for line 3516:
3516 To mine owne roome againe, making so bold

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