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1001 to 1010 of 1169 Entries from All Files for "shakes" in All Fields

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1001) Commentary Note for line 3404:
3404 But soft, but soft {awhile,} <aside;> here comes the King, {Enter K. Q. }
1002) Commentary Note for line 3410:
3410 Foredoo it owne life, twas {of} some estate, 3410
1003) Commentary Note for line 3411:
3411 Couch we a while and marke.
1004) Commentary Note for line 3415:
3415 {Doct.} <Priest.> Her obsequies haue been as farre inlarg'd 3415
1005) Commentary Note for line 3418:
3418 She should in ground vnsanctified {been} <haue> lodg'd
1006) Commentary Note for line 3420:
3420 <Shardes,> Flints and peebles should be throwne on her: 3420
1007) Commentary Note for line 3421:
3421 Yet heere she is allow'd her virgin {Crants} <Rites>,
1008) Commentary Note for lines 3422-23:
3422 Her mayden strewments, and the bringing home
3423 Of bell and buriall.
1009) Commentary Note for line 3427:
3427 To sing {a} <sage> Requiem and such rest to her
1010) Commentary Note for line 3428:
3428 As to peace-parted soules.

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