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510 to 519 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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510) Commentary Note for line 3649_365:
3649-50 Hora. This Lapwing runnes away with the shell on his | head.
3651-2 Ham. A did {so sir} <Complie> with his dugge before a | suckt it, thus {has} <had> he and 3651
    ... <b>Lapwing</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
    ... b><b>dugge</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
    ... way </b>. . . ] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ...  his birth.&#x201D; JOHNSON&#x201D;</par ...
    ... did so sir</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ...  bezeichnen. Bei B. Johnson Staple of Ne ...
    ... s s. Lapwing. ["<sc>Johnson</sc> conject ...
511) Commentary Note for line 3653_365:
3653-4 only got the tune of | the time, and {out of an} <outward> habit of incounter, a
    ... para> <para>Dr. <sc>Johnson </sc>makes s ...
    ... f the time</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> <i>apud ...
512) Commentary Note for line 3654_365:
3654-5 kind of {histy} | <yesty> colection, which carries them through and through
    ... b><b>histy</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
    ... b>opinions</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ... <b>opinions</b>]<sc>Johnson</sc> (<i>apu ...
    ...  waves (says S. <sc>Johnson</sc>) that i ...
    ... frothy</i>. But <sc>Johnson</sc> knew wh ...
    ... n,' &amp;c. Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc> is righ ...
    ... rb</sc> ; Tollet) ; Johnson's Dictionary ...
    ... owing. </i>(s. Sam. Johnson E.D.), so da ...
    ...  winnowing</i> (see Johnson's Dictionary ...
513) Commentary Note for line 3656:
3656 the most {prophane and trennowed} <fond and winnowed> opinions, and doe but blowe 3656
    ... m, &amp;c.</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ... rennowned opinions; Johnson: the most sa ...
    ... ane and trennowned; Johnson: the most sa ...
    ...  to be found in Dr. Johnson's paraphrase ...
    ... s paraphrase [gives Johnson's paraphrase ...
    ... y to be found in Dr Johnson's paraphrase ...
    ... ed' (by Warburton). Johnson conjectured  ...
    ...  convey, as Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc> and oth ...
514) Commentary Note for line 3664_366:
3664-5 Ham. It is but foolery, but it is such a kinde of | {gamgiuing,} <gain-giuing> as
3665 would perhapes trouble a woman. 3665
    ... >gamgiuing</b>] <sc>Johnson </sc>(1755,  ...
    ... g against, says Dr. Johnson in his dicti ...
515) Commentary Note for line 3668_366:
3668-9 Ham. Not a whit, we defie augury, {there is} <there's a> speciall | prouidence in
    ... a><hanging>mWesley: Johnson + </hanging> ...
    ... C;I marvel that <sc>Johnson</sc> did not ...
    ... c> version] Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc>, who pr ...
    ... th him. But Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc>, like e ...
516) Commentary Note for line 3668:
3678 Ham. Giue me your pardon sir, {I haue} <I'ue> done you wrong,
    ... pardon sir</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ... mself in falsehood. JOHNSON&#x201D;</par ...
    ... truthfulness by <sc>Johnson</sc> [see ab ...
    ... is&#8212;[cites <sc>Johnson</sc> above]  ...
    ... here Symons got his Johnson quotation.]< ...
    ... ;It is odd that Dr. Johnson failed to se ...
    ... Many will share <sc>Johnson'</sc>s wish  ...
    ...  &#8216;odd' of <sc>Johnson</sc>, while  ...
    ... dness</i>. When <sc>Johnson</sc> speaks  ...
517) Commentary Note for line 3669_367:
3669-70 the fall of a Sparrowe, if it be <now>, tis not | to come, if it be not to come,
3670-1 it will be now, if it | be not now, yet it {well} <will> come, the readines is all,
    ... C;I marvel that <sc>Johnson</sc> did not ...
    ... dopt the reading of Johnson, adding the  ...
    ... e betimes?</i>]] So Johnson. The quartos ...
    ... c> version] Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc>, who pr ...
    ... th him. But Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc>, like e ...
518) Commentary Note for line 3671_367:
3671-3 since no | man {of} <ha's> ought <of what> he leaues, {knowes} what ist to leaue be|times, 3671-3
3673+1 {let be.}
    ... <b>betimes</b>] <sc>Johnson </sc>(ed. 17 ...
    ... hat is it to leave? JOHNSON&#x201D;</par ...
    ... C;I marvel that <sc>Johnson</sc> did not ...
    ... , while that of Dr. Johnson is manifestl ...
    ...  for <i> knows</i>. Johnson thus interpr ...
    ...  1844): &#x201C;<sc>Johnson</sc> thus pa ...
    ... his particular with Johnson) it not impr ...
    ... dopt the reading of Johnson, adding the  ...
    ... inally have run, as Johnson prints it, & ...
    ...  reading is that of Johnson: &#8216;sinc ...
    ... leave betimes?' <sc>Johnson</sc> thus in ...
    ... nely paraphrased by Johnson: That is it  ...
    ... on</sc> thinks that Johnson's is perhaps ...
    ... e betimes?</i>]] So Johnson. The quartos ...
    ... e meaning being, in Johnson's own words, ...
    ... c> version] Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc>, who pr ...
    ... th him. But Dr. <sc>Johnson</sc>, like e ...
    ... ext follows Dr. <sc>Johnson'</sc>s emend ...
    ... e better sense. <sc>Johnson</sc>'s parap ...
    ... ually, however, <sc>Johnson</sc>'s confl ...
519) Commentary Note for line 3674_367:
3675 {A table prepard, Trumpets, Drums and officers with Cushions,}
3674 {King, Queene, and all the state, Foiles, daggers,}
3674 { and Laertes.}
3674 <Enter King, Queene, Laertes and Lords, with other Atten->
3675 <dants with Foyles, and Gauntlets, a Table and>
3676 <Flagons of Wine on it.>
    ... pearian commentator Johnson, &#8216;to b ...

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