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381 to 390 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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381) Commentary Note for line 2965:
2965 No {trophe sword} <Trophee, Sword>, nor hatchment ore his bones, 2965
    ... ><b>trophe</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
    ... >hatchment</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
    ... . <b>bones</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ... c> (<i>apud</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 17 ...
382) Commentary Note for line 2970:
2970 And where th'offence is, let the great axe fall.
    ... 970 <b>axe</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
383) Commentary Note for line 3014:
3014 So {criminall} <crimefull,> and so capitall in nature,
    ... b>capitall</b>] <sc>Johnson </sc>(1755,  ...
384) Commentary Note for line 3018:
3018 Which may to you perhaps seeme much {vnsinnow'd} <vnsinnowed>,
    ... vnsinnow'd</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
385) Commentary Note for line 3022:
3022 {She is} <She's> so {concliue} <coniunctiue> to my life and soule,
    ... b>concliue</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
    ...  in use. <small>Dr. Johnson says. He ove ...
386) Commentary Note for line 3028:
3028 {Worke} <Would> like the spring that turneth wood to stone,
    ... d to stone</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ... ve done so? Dr.<sc> Johnson</sc> seems n ...
    ... Karlsbader Sprudel. Johnson tadelt die A ...
    ... he Karlsbad spring. Johnson reproves the ...
    ... e simile,' says <sc>Johnson</sc>, &#8216 ...
387) Commentary Note for line 3029:
3029 Who dipping all his faults in theyr affection,
    ... b><b>Giues</b>] <sc>Johnson </sc>(1755,  ...
    ... n <i>gyves</i>?' <i>Johnson's Forrest</i ...
    ... , Welsh<small>; Dr. Johnson confines thi ...
    ... n <i>gyves</i>?' <i>Johnson's Forrest</i ...
388) Commentary Note for line 3035:
3035 {Whose worth,} <Who was> if prayses may goe backe againe 3035
    ...  <b>againe</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 17 ...
    ... o be found no more. Johnson." ["MC [COL2 ...
389) Commentary Note for lines 3062-63:
3062 King. Tis Hamlets caracter. Naked,
3062-3 And in a post|script heere he sayes alone,
    ... b>caracter</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755,  ...
390) Commentary Note for line 3074:
3074 To an exployt, now ripe in my deuise,
    ... tab>deuise</b>] <sc>Johnson </sc>(1755,  ...
    ... tab>deuise</b>] <sc>Johnson </sc>(1755,  ...

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