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251 to 260 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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251) Commentary Note for line 2206:
2206 Ham. {And} <So I> doe still by these pickers and stealers.
    ... ese hands, says Dr. Johnson; <small>and  ...
    ...  1877): &#x201C;<sc>Johnson</sc>: Hands. ...
252) Commentary Note for lines 2213-18:
2213-4 Ham. I {sir}, but while the grasse growes, the prouerbe is | something
2214-16 musty, | <Enter one with a Recorder.> | ô the {Recorders,} <Recorder.> let mee see {one}, to withdraw with you, why
2217-8 doe you goe about to recouer the wind of mee, as if you | would driue
2218 me into a toyle?
    ... gla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla ...
    ... ct.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hang ...
    ... recorders </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): ...
253) Commentary Note for lines 2219-20:
2219-20 Guyl. O my lord, if my duty be too bold, my loue | is too vnmanerly.
    ... notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 17 ...
254) Commentary Note for lines 2228-31:
2228-9 Ham. {It is} <'Tis> as easie as lying; gouerne these ventages |with your {fin-}
2229-30 {gers, & the vmber} <finger and thumbe>, giue it breath with your | mouth, & it wil discourse
2230-1 most {eloquent} <excellent> musique, | looke you, these are the stops. 2230
    ... </sc>ed. 1877): <sc>Johnson</sc>: The ho ...
255) Commentary Note for lines 2234-36:
2234-5 Ham. Why looke you now how vnwoorthy a thing | you make of
2235-6 me, you would play vpon mee, you would | seeme to know my stops, 2235
    ... cted support to Dr. Johnson's conjecture ...
256) Commentary Note for lines 2240-43:
2240-1 <Why > do you think <that> I am easier to be | plaid on then a pipe, call mee what in-
2241-2 strument you wil, | though you <can> fret me {not}, you cannot play vpon me.
2242-3 God | blesse you sir.
    ... gla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla ...
    ... ct.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hang ...
    ... ><b> fret </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): ...
    ... ng><sc>ard3q2</sc>: Johnson, Dekker and  ...
    ... by parallels in Ben Johnson's <i>Everyma ...
257) Commentary Note for lines 2255-56:
2255-6 They foole me to the top of my bent, | I will come by & by, 2255
    ...  stretch; or as  <i>Johnson</i> explains ...
    ...  1877): &#x201C;<sc>Johnson</sc>: &#8216 ...
    ... o it no longer' (Dr Johnson). Ham.'s ner ...
258) Commentary Note for line 2262:
2262 And doe such <bitter> busines as the {bitter} day
    ... hanging><para><fnc> Johnson provides <sc ...
259) Commentary Note for line 2267:
2267 I will speake {dagger} <Daggers> to her, but vse none,
    ...  (Boswell's Life of Johnson)</hanging><p ...
    ... e Boswell's Life of Johnson (Murray, 183 ...
260) Commentary Note for line 2269:
2269 How in my words someuer she be shent,
    ... gla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla ...
    ... ct.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hang ...
    ... ><b> shent</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755)  ...
    ... gla><hanging>Nares: Johnson (<i>Dict</i> ...
    ... tions. Of this word Johnson very properl ...
    ... >Nares <i>minus </i>Johnson (<sc>Dict</s ...

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