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371 to 380 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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371) Commentary Note for line 2863:
2863 Euen heere betweene the chast vnsmirched browe
    ... ab> </tab>Johnson Di ...
    ... ><hanging>Johnson Di ...
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ...  obscure. Johnson sa ...
372) Commentary Note for line 2867:
2867 Let him goe Gertrard, doe not feare our person, {L1v}
    ... . [See Dr Johnson's  ...
    ... ording to Johnson (p ...
373) Commentary Note for line 2900:
2900 That I am guiltlesse of your fathers death, 2900
    ... ght's. If Johnson ha ...
    ... eral use, Johnson is ...
374) Commentary Note for line 2902:
2902 It shall as leuell to your iudgement {peare} <pierce>
    ... ferred by Johnson an ...
    ... ght's. If Johnson ha ...
    ... eral use, Johnson is ...
    ... ly, as <i>Johnson</i ...
    ... ,' whence Johnson &# ...
    ... and as Dr Johnson un ...
    ... which Dr. Johnson an ...
375) Commentary Note for line 2912:
2912 O heauens, ist possible a young maids wits
    ...  meaning. Johnson, i ...
376) Commentary Note for line 2914:
2914 <Nature is fine in Loue, and where 'tis fine,>
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... n</i> <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... #8212;Dr. Johnson's  ...
    ... x201C;Dr. Johnson ma ...
    ...  loss. <i>Johnson</i ...
    ... </i>. <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... x201C;Dr. Johnson's  ...
377) Commentary Note for lines 2923-25:
2923 Oph. You must sing {a downe} <downe> a downe,
2923-4 And you call | him a downe a. O how the wheele becomes it,
2924-5 It is | the false Steward that stole his Maisters daughter.
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... used. Dr. Johnson sa ...
    ... o; but <i>Johnson</i ...
    ... sch: </sc>Johnson (< ...
    ... 28;hnt S. Johnson, E ...
    ... ned by S. Johnson, E ...
    ... song. <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... man type. Johnson us ...
    ... ch, which Johnson, < ...
378) Commentary Note for lines 2927-29:
2927-8 Oph. There's Rosemary, thats for remembrance, | pray {you} loue re-
2928-9] member, and there is {Pancies} <Paconcies>, thats for | thoughts.
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... n</i> <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... ted after Johnson's  ...
    ... x201C;<sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... erals: <i>Johnson</i ...
379) Commentary Note for lines 2948-49:
2948-9 {God a mercy} <Gramercy> on his soule, | and of all {Christians} <Christian> soules, <I pray God.>
    ...  thanks.' Johnson de ...
380) Commentary Note for line 2952:
2952 King. Laertes, I must {commune} <common> with your griefe,
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...

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