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301 to 310 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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301) Commentary Note for line 2488:
2488 That lap'st in time and passion lets goe by
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... x201C;<sc>Johnson</s ...
    ...  passion. Johnson sa ...
    ... able than Johnson's  ...
    ...  by'. Dr. Johnson, o ...
302) Commentary Note for line 2498:
2498 That you {doe} bend your eye on vacancie,
    ... n</i> <sc>Johnson</s ...
303) Commentary Note for line 2502:
2502 Your bedded haire like life in excrements
    ... ab> </tab>Johnson Di ...
    ... ><hanging>Johnson Di ...
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
304) Commentary Note for line 2508:
2508 Would make them capable, doe not looke vpon me,
    ... ab> </tab>Johnson Di ...
    ... ><hanging>Johnson Di ...
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
305) Commentary Note for line 2510:
2510 My stearne effects, then what I haue to doe 2510
    ... oon.' Dr. Johnson sa ...
306) Commentary Note for line 2521:
2521 This bodilesse creation extacie is very cunning in.
    ... n</i> <sc>Johnson</s ...
307) Commentary Note for line 2534:
2534 And doe not spread the compost {on} <or> the weedes
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
308) Commentary Note for line 2538:
2538 Yea {curbe}<courb> and wooe for leaue to doe him good.
    ... ab> </tab>Johnson Di ...
    ... ><hanging>Johnson Di ...
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
309) Commentary Note for line 2541:
2541 Ham. O throwe away the worser part of it,
    ... ab> </tab>Johnson Di ...
    ... ><hanging>Johnson Di ...
    ... </b>] <sc>Johnson</s ...
310) Commentary Note for line 2544:
2544 Assune a vertue if you haue it not, <refraine to night,>
    ... d; but Dr Johnson di ...

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