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341 to 350 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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341) Commentary Note for line 2743+18:
2743+18 {Ham. Two thousand soules, & twenty thousand duckets}

    ... ng><para>2743+18-2743+19<tab> </tab> <sc>[Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 255): &#x201C;&#8216;Ham. Two thousand souls &am ...
342) Commentary Note for line 2743+20:
2743+20 {This is th'Imposthume of much wealth and peace,}

    ... ></cn> <cn> <sigla>1872<tab> </tab><sc>cln1</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>cln1: </sc>Johnson's Dict., Cotgrave </hanging> <para>2743+20<tab> </tab><b>th'Imposthume</ ...

    ... to be a corruption of &#8216;apostem' from the Greek <b>GREEK HERE</b> (Todd's Johnson's Dictionary, s.v.). The Latin &#8216;apostema,' an abcess, is used by P ...
343) Commentary Note for line 2743+26:
2743+26 {How all occasions doe informe against me,}

    ... ></cn> <cn> <sigla>1869<tab> </tab><sc>tsch</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>tsch: </sc>Johnson (<i>Dict</i>.)</hanging> <para>2743+26<tab> </tab><b>informe</b>] <sc>Ts ...

    ... ehnt: <i>to offer an accusation to a magistrate; </i>daher <i>against</i>. Sam. Johnson E. D. v. <i>inform.</i> 3.&#x201D; [<i>inform</i> is borrowed from legal ...

    ... : <i>to offer an accusation to a magistrate</i>; therefore <i>against</i>. Sam. Johnson E. D. verb <i>inform</i> 3.]</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1875<tab> </tab>Mar ...
344) Commentary Note for line 2743+28:
2743+28 {If his chiefe good and market of his time}

    ... para>2743+28<tab> </tab><b>market</b>] <sc>Furness (</sc>ed. 1877): &#x201C;<sc>Johnson</sc>: That for which he sells his time. <sc>Seymour</sc> (ii, 195): This ...

    ... cn><cn> <sigla>2006<tab></tab><sc>ard3q2</sc></sigla> <hanging><sc>ard3q2</sc>: Johnson</hanging> <para>2743+28<tab> </tab>market] <sc>Thompson &amp; Taylor</sc ...
345) Commentary Note for line 2743+30:
2743+30 {Sure he that made vs with such large discourse} 2743+30

    ... g><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>2743+30<tab> </tab><b>large discourse</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;Such latitude of comprehension, such power of r ...

    ... 2743+30<tab> </tab><b>discourse</b>] <sc>[Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 255): &#x201C;Perhaps from ye [the] Italian Disc ...

    ... (334)], p. 174. It is evident that discursive powers of mind are meant; or, as Johnson explains it, &#8216;such latitude of comprehension, such power of review ...

    ... ge discourse</b>] <sc>Furness (</sc>ed. 1877): &#x201C;See [1.2.150 (334)]. <sc>Johnson</sc>: Such latitude or comprehension, such power of reviewing the past a ...

    ... <sigla>1982<tab> </tab><sc>ard2</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>ard2 = barnett; </sc>Johnson (<i>Dict</i>.); xref.</hanging> <para>2743+30<tab> </tab><b>discourse</b ...
346) Commentary Note for line 2743+34:
2743+34 {Bestiall obliuion, or some crauen scruple}

    ... b> </tab><tab> </tab><tab> </tab><tab> </tab></para> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2743+34<tab> </tab> ...

    ... ab><tab> </tab></para> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2743+34<tab> </tab><b> crauen </b>] <sc>Johnson</ ...

    ... <hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2743+34<tab> </tab><b> crauen </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;a cock conquered and dispirited.&#x201D;</para> ...
347) Commentary Note for line 2743+47:
2743+47 {Euen for an Egge-shell. Rightly to be great,}

    ... nging> <para>2743+47-2743+48<tab> </tab><b>Rightly </b>. . .<b> Is not</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;This passage I have printed according to the co ...

    ... c> (ed. 1819):&#x201D;Without sufficient reason, but magnanimously, &amp;c. Dr. Johnson says, the sentiment is partly just, and partly romantic.&#x201D;</para> ...

    ... s being opposed to this that presents the problem. A long line of critics (from Johnson and Malone to Kittredge and his followers) finds that in a trifling matt ...

    ... concluded that Shakespeare was &#8216;only half-saying what he meant.' Pope and Johnson and Malone and Capell and Kittredge and Dover Wilson have all focused on ...
348) Commentary Note for line 2743+49:
2743+49 {But greatly to find quarrell in a straw}

    ... >But greatly </b>. . .<b> stake</b>] <sc>[Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 256): &#x201C;The slightest affront given within ...
349) Commentary Note for line 2743+52:
2743+52 {Excytements of my reason, and my blood,}

    ... ></hanging> <para>2743+52<tab> </tab><b>Excytements </b>. . .<b> blood</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;Provocations which excite both my reason and my ...
350) Commentary Note for line 2743+58:
2743+58 {Which is not tombe enough and continent}

    ... sc> (1747-53): &#x201C;fsql has.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2743+58<tab> </tab> ...

    ... s.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2743+58<tab> </tab><b> continent </b>] <sc>Johnso ...

    ... nging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2743+58<tab> </tab><b> continent </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;chaste; abstemious in lawful pleasures.&#x201D;< ...

    ... x201C;or the thing that contans&#x201D; [before <i>Ant</i>.<i> </i> //] . . . . Johnson has mistakenly conceived, that the use of this word in this sense is onl ...

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