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301 to 310 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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301) Commentary Note for line 2488:
2488 That lap'st in time and passion lets goe by

    ... y4</sc></hanging> <para>2488<tab> </tab><b>lap'st </b>. . .<b> passion</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;That, having suffered <i>time</i> to <i>slip</i ...

    ... 88<tab> </tab><b>time and passion</b>] <sc>Furness (</sc>ed. 1877): &#x201C;<sc>Johnson</sc>: That, having suffered <i>time</i> to <i>slip</i> and <i>passion</i ...

    ... e meaning seems to be, having let time slip by while indulging in mere passion. Johnson says: &#x201C;having suffered time to slip and passion to cool;&#x201D; ...

    ... passion fit for the execution of your command'. This is much more suitable than Johnson's &#8216;having suffered time to slip and passion to cool'. The Ghost in ...

    ... a time and passion fir for the execution of your command, lets them go by'. Dr. Johnson, on the other hand, taking <i>lapsed</i> to mean &#8216;having fallen in ...
302) Commentary Note for line 2498:
2498 That you {doe} bend your eye on vacancie,

    ... b><b>that you </b>. . .<b> ayre</b>] [<sc>Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 243): &#x201C;by this strong description The Aut ...
303) Commentary Note for line 2502:
2502 Your bedded haire like life in excrements

    ... been his own invention</small>.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2502<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... >.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2502<tab> </tab><b> excrements </b>] <sc>Johnson< ...

    ... hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2502<tab> </tab><b> excrements </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): &#x201C; that which is thrown out as useless, noxious, or c ...
304) Commentary Note for line 2508:
2508 Would make them capable, doe not looke vpon me,

    ... hem capable, doe not looke vpon me,</para> </ehline> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2508<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... n me,</para> </ehline> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2508<tab> </tab><b> capable </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc ...

    ... a><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2508<tab> </tab><b> capable </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;endued with powers equal to any particular thing ...
305) Commentary Note for line 2510:
2510 My stearne effects, then what I haue to doe 2510

    ... rtain, For thy complexion shifts to strange <i>effects</i> After the moon.' Dr. Johnson saw the error in that play, and proposed to read <i>affects</i>. But th ...
306) Commentary Note for line 2521:
2521 This bodilesse creation extacie is very cunning in.

    ... b><b>bodilesse creation extacie</b>] <sc>[Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 244): &#x201C;This Phantom of the brain&#8212;ra ...
307) Commentary Note for line 2534:
2534 And doe not spread the compost {on} <or> the weedes

    ... 1</sc></hanging> <para>2534<tab> </tab><b>doe not </b>. . .<b> weedes</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;Do not, by any new indulgence, heighten your of ...
308) Commentary Note for line 2538:
2538 Yea {curbe}<courb> and wooe for leaue to doe him good.

    ... la><hanging><sc>han2 = han1</sc></hanging></cn> <cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. &#8776; <sc> han </sc> </hanging> <p ...

    ... c></hanging></cn> <cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. &#8776; <sc> han </sc> </hanging> <para>2538<tab> </tab><b> curbe< ...

    ... ict. &#8776; <sc> han </sc> </hanging> <para>2538<tab> </tab><b> curbe</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): courb (<i>courber</i> Fr.] &#x201C;To bend; to bow; to stoo ...

    ... sigla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>2538<tab> </tab><b>curbe</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): That is, <i>bend</i> and <i>truckle</i>.&#x201D;</para> ...
309) Commentary Note for line 2541:
2541 Ham. O throwe away the worser part of it,

    ... b> </tab><tab> </tab><tab> </tab><tab> </tab></para> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2541<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... ab><tab> </tab></para> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2541<tab> </tab><b> worser </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> ...

    ... la><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2541<tab> </tab><b> worser </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): &#x201C;barbarous word, formed by corrupting worse with the ...
310) Commentary Note for line 2544:
2544 Assune a vertue if you haue it not, <refraine to night,>

    ... ourse perceiving the &#8216;deule-eule' connection, and Capell approved; but Dr Johnson diverted criticism from the right path by insisting upon opposition betw ...

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