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281 to 290 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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281) Commentary Note for line 2380:
2380 Pray you be round <with him>. 2380

    ... </i></sc><i>rr</i>. //; xref.</hanging> <para>2380<tab> </tab><b>round</b>] <sc>Johnson </sc>(ed. 1765) on <b>round</b> in <i>Err</i>. [5.1.349 (1840)] n. 8: &# ...
282) Commentary Note for line 2393:
2393 Ham. No by the rood not so,

    ... #x201C;<sc>a rood</sc>, a cross.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2393<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... s.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2393<tab> </tab><b> rood </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> ( ...

    ... igla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2393<tab> </tab><b> rood </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;the fourth part of an acre in square measure .&# ...
283) Commentary Note for line 2396:
2396 {Ger.}<Qu.> Nay, then Ile set those to you that can speake.

    ... <cn> <sigla>1869<tab> </tab><sc>tsch</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>tsch: elze, </sc>Johnson<sc> (</sc><i>Dict</i>.<sc>)</sc></hanging><para>2396<tab> </tab><b>set</ ...

    ... f <i>oppose</i>, often used by Shakespeare, which justifies <i>to</i>. See Sam. Johnson. E. I. sct. 25. With these words the queen has evidently risen <i>to lea ...
284) Commentary Note for line 2410:
2410 As kill a King, and marry with his brother.

    ... ></cn> <cn> <sigla>1869<tab> </tab><sc>tsch</sc></sigla><hanging><sc>tsch: </sc>Johnson (<i>Dict</i>.)</hanging><para>2410<tab> </tab><b>marry with</b>] <sc>Tsc ...

    ... deutung von <i>to marry: to enter into the conjugal state with a p.</i> S. Sam. Johnson s. v. <i>marry</i> verb lat. <i>maritus</i>.&#x201D; [this construction ...

    ... g of <i>to marry: to enter into the conjugal state with a person</i>." See Sam. Johnson s. v. <i>marry</i> verb Latin <i>maritus</i>.]</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1 ...
285) Commentary Note for line 2429:
2429 As from the body of contraction plucks

    ... on</i>, for marriage-contract.&#x201D; </para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2429<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... &#x201D; </para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2429<tab> </tab><b> contraction </b>] <sc>Johnson ...

    ... anging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2429<tab> </tab><b> contraction </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;the act of contracting or shortening.&#x201D;</p ...

    ... </tab><b>From </b>. . .<b> soul</b>] <sc>[Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 239): &#x201C;Separates ye Soul from the body &a ...

    ... a deed, As from the body of Contraction pluckes The very soule. <b>1630</b> R. Johnson's Kingd. &amp; Commw. 577 Contraction of peace and friendship. <b>1702</ ...
286) Commentary Note for line 2431:
2431 A rapsedy of words; heauens face {dooes} <doth> glowe

    ... b</sc> +</hanging> <para>2431-4<tab> </tab><b>heauens </b>. . .<b> act</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;The word <i>heated</i>, though it agrees well e ...

    ... tab><b>heauens </b>. . .<b> act</b>] <sc>[Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 239-40): &#x201C;In Northern Climates where ye S ...

    ... >] <sc>Tschischwitz</sc> (ed. 1869): &#x201C;<i>rhapsody</i> erkl&#228;rte Sam. Johnson: <i>Any number of parts joined together without necessary dependence or ...

    ... pendence or natural connection</i>.&#x201D; [<i>rhapsody</i> is defined by Sam. Johnson as <i>Any number of parts joined together without necessary dependence o ...

    ... called such an interpretation <i>sad stuff</i>.]</para> <hanging><sc>tsch: </sc>Johnson (<i>Dict</i>.)</hanging> <para>2436<tab> </tab><b>in the Index</b>] <sc> ...
287) Commentary Note for line 2432:
2432 {Ore} <Yea> this solidity and compound masse

    ... the doom.' J. maintains the text.) Warburton's note is here well ridiculed; but Johnson had done no harm by explaining the text as it now stands. I conceive no ...
288) Commentary Note for line 2434:
2434 Is {thought sick} <thought-sicke> at the act

    ... /tab><b>thought sick at the act</b>] <sc>[Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 240): &#x201C;which was so shocking &amp; horrid ...
289) Commentary Note for lines 2435-36:
2435 Quee. Ay me, what act? 2435
2435-6 {Ham.} That roares so low'd, and {thunders} <thun-| ders> in the Index,

    ... i> . . . all sense was wanting." </fnc></para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2436<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... ." </fnc></para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2436<tab> </tab><b> index </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> ...

    ... gla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2436<tab> </tab><b> index </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C; the discoverer; the pointer out.&#x201D;</para> ...

    ... b </sc>+</hanging> <para>2435-6<tab> </tab><b>Ay me </b>. . .<b> Index</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1762): &#x201C;The meaning is, <i>What is</i> this act, of whi ...

    ... earning..no Knowledge in Books, except Index's and Vocabularies. [<b>1750-1</b> JOHNSON Let. to Richardson 9 Mar. in Boswell, I wish you would add an index reru ...
290) Commentary Note for line 2442:
2442 A station like the herald Mercury,

    ... de.' <i>Par. Lost</i>, B.5. 285.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2442<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... 5.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2442<tab> </tab><b> station </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc ...

    ... a><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2442<tab> </tab><b> station </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;the act of standing.&#x201D;</para> <para>2. &#x ...

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