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261 to 270 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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261) Commentary Note for line 2278:
2278 Out of his {browes} <Lunacies>.

    ... this part of my note was written, I have met with an instance in support of Dr. Johnson's conjecture: &#8216;&#8212;were you but as favourable as you are <i>fro ...

    ... >Mason</sc> (1785, p. 389): lunes] &#x201C;If out of his <i>lunacies</i> be, as Johnson informs us, the reading of the folio, why should the word <i>lunacies</i ...

    ... this part of my note was written, I have met with an instance in support of Dr. Johnson's conjecture: &#8216;&#8212;were you but as favourable as you are <i>fro ...

    ... >teevens</sc> (ed. 1803): &#x201C;I have met with an instance in support of Dr. Johnson's conjecture: &#8216;&#8212;were you but as favourable as you are <i>fro ...

    ... nged for one more obviously to be understood, need not to have been amended, as Johnson proposed: The <i>brow</i> seems to have been considered by Shakspeare as ...

    ... madness, frenzy. See <i>WT </i>[2.2.28 (856)]; <i>Wiv</i>. [4.2.21 (1917).. <sc>Johnson</sc>: I take<i> browes</i> of the Qq to be, properly read, <i>frows</i>, ...
262) Commentary Note for lines 2283-84:
2283-4 Ros. The single | and peculier life is bound

    ... >The single </b>. . . .<b> many</b>] [<sc>Davies]</sc> (ms. notes <i>in</i> <sc>Johnson</sc>, ed. 1765, opp. 8: 232): &#x201C;If every private man is bound by a ...
263) Commentary Note for line 2288:
2288 The liues of many, the {cesse} <cease> of Maiestie

    ... ess'd by a very just Image.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2288<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... 201D;</para></cn> <cn> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2288<tab> </tab><b> cesse </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> ...

    ... gla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2288<tab> </tab><b> cesse </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;a levy made upon the inhabitants of a place, rat ...
264) Commentary Note for line 2303:
2303 Behind the Arras I'le conuay my selfe

    ... rom the town of Artois, where the principal manufacture of such stuffs was. Dr. Johnson thought that Shakespeare had outstepped probability in supposing Falstaf ...
265) Commentary Note for line 2308:
2308 The speech of vantage; farre you well my Leige,

    ... f vantage; farre you well my Leige,</para> </ehline> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2308<tab> </tab><b> ...

    ... eige,</para> </ehline> <cn><sigla>1755<tab> </tab>Johnson Dict.</sigla><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2308<tab> </tab><b> vantage </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc ...

    ... a><hanging>Johnson Dict. </hanging> <para>2308<tab> </tab><b> vantage </b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (1755): 1. &#x201C;gain; profit.&#x201D;</para> <para>2. &#x201C;su ...

    ... gla><hanging><sc>john1</sc></hanging> <para>2308<tab> </tab><b>vantage</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;By some opportunity of secret observation.&#x20 ...

    ... igla><hanging>v1793 = v1785 (misattrib. to <sc>warb</sc>)</hanging> <para><fnc> Johnson gloss on &#x201C;vantage&#x201D; is misattributed to Warburton. </fnc></ ...
266) Commentary Note for line 2314:
2314 A brothers murther, pray can I not,

    ... &#x2019; The reading&#8212;<i>'twill</i> for <i>will</i>, as recommended by Dr. Johnson, should certainly be adopted; for <i>inclination</i> and <i>will</i> are ...
267) Commentary Note for line 2315:
2315 Though inclination be as sharp as will,

    ... s</sc>.&#x201D;</para> <para><fnc> Glosses with attributions to Steevens and to Johnson are from v1773; however, because v1778 does not adopt emendation introdu ...

    ... 16;as &#8216;twill'; S. retains &#8216;as will') I believe this to be wrong and Johnson's reading to be right.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1790<tab> </tab>< ...

    ... rth</sigla><hanging>Chedworth: <sc>theo2</sc>; <i>contra</i> v1778; Mason, Mrs. Johnson</hanging> <para>2315<tab> </tab><b>inclination </b>. . .<b> will</b>] C< ...

    ... n of <i>will</i> is the true one. Mr. M. Mason's explanation reminds me of Mrs. Johnson's interpretation of the first couplet uttered by Drawcansir; &#8216;That ...

    ... n of &#8216;will' is the true one; Mr. M. Mason's explanation reminds me of Mr. Johnson's interpretation of the first couplet uttered by Drawcansir, &#8216;that ...

    ... rm it, yet my stronger guilt defeats my strong intent,' &amp;c. [<small>Hanmer, Johnson, Heath, Keightley, adopted this conj. <sc>Ed</sc></small>.] <sc>Warburto ...
268) Commentary Note for line 2332:
2332 May one be pardond and retaine th'offence? {I1v}

    ... contra</i> <sc>warb</sc> </hanging><para>2332<tab> </tab><b>th'offence</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;I see no difficulty in the present reading. He ...

    ... oyed two lines above, &#8216;th'<i>effects</i>,' <i>i.e.</i> of his murder. <sc>Johnson</sc>: He that does not amend what can be amended<i> retains</i> his <i>o ...

    ... be amended retains his office. The King kept the crown from the right heir' (Dr Johnson). Cf. <i>Introd. </i>p. liii.&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1939<tab> ...
269) Commentary Note for line 2341:
2341 Try what repentance can, what can it not,

    ... ab><b>Try </b>. . .<b> repent</b>] S<sc>eymour</sc> (1805, p. 182): &#x201C;Dr. Johnson's words, I believe, afford no explanation of these, the sense of which I ...

    ... an empty name. I cannot perceive that the words in the text at all admit of Dr. Johnson's wide inference&#8212;penitence, detached from a resolution to amend.&# ...
270) Commentary Note for line 2342:
2342 Yet what can it, when one cannot repent?

    ... c><i>contra</i> <sc>warb</sc></hanging><para>2342<tab> </tab><b>cannot</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (ed. 1765): &#x201C;The sense of the received reading is, I think, ...

    ... e . . .illustration.&#x201D; </hanging><para>2342<tab> </tab><b>cannot</b>] <sc>Johnson</sc> (<i>apud </i>ed. 1773): &#x201C;<i>What can</i> repentance <i>do fo ...

    ... e, distress of conscience, without the other part, resolution of amendment. <sc>Johnson.</sc>&#x201D;</para></cn> <cn> <sigla>1773<tab> </tab>m<sc>stv</sc>1</si ...

    ... an but</i> repent,' <i>i.e</i>. what can repentance do without restitution? <sc>Johnson</sc>: What can <i>repentance</i> do for a man that cannot be<i> penitent ...

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