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291 to 300 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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291) Commentary Note for line 2453:
2453 The heyday in the blood is tame, it's humble,
    ... > is Johns ...
    ... fnc> Johns ...
    ... > is Johns ...
292) Commentary Note for line 2455+1:
2455+1 {Els could you not haue motion, but sure that sence} 2455+1
    ... /tab>Johns ...
    ... ging>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
293) Commentary Note for line 2455+3:
2455+3 {Nor sence to extacie was nere so thral'd}
    ... /tab>Johns ...
    ... ging>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ... d by Johns ...
294) Commentary Note for lines 2456+4-2457:
2456+4-2457 {Could not so mope:} | ô shame where is thy blush?
2457 Rebellious hell,
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
295) Commentary Note for line 2458:
2458 If thou canst mutine in a Matrons bones,
    ... /tab>Johns ...
    ... ging>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ... uote Johns ...
296) Commentary Note for line 2466:
2466 And there I see such blacke and {greeued} <grained> spots
    ... /tab>Johns ...
    ... ging>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... that Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
297) Commentary Note for line 2467:
2467 As will <not> leaue {there} their tin'ct.
    ... /tab>Johns ...
    ... ging>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ... that Johns ...
298) Commentary Note for line 2469:
2469 In the ranck sweat of an inseemed bed
    ... /tab>Johns ...
    ... ging>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
299) Commentary Note for line 2477:
2477 Of your precedent Lord, a vice of Kings, {I3v}
    ... /tab>Johns ...
    ... ging>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
300) Commentary Note for line 2483:
2483 Ham. A King of shreds and patches,
    ... ><sc>Johns ...

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