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201 to 210 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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201) Commentary Note for line 1704:
1704 Is not more ougly to the thing that helps it,
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
202) Commentary Note for line 1710:
1710 Ham. To be, or not to be, that is the question,
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ... ><sc>Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... . <i>Johns ...
    ... ;Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... ;Dr. Johns ...
    ... says Johns ...
    ... ord. Johns ...
    ... r as Johns ...
    ... d by Johns ...
    ... t.   Johns ...
    ... ors, Johns ...
    ... When Johns ...
    ...  Yet Johns ...
    ... ated Johns ...
    ... from Johns ...
203) Commentary Note for line 1713:
1713 Or to take Armes against a sea of troubles,
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... Here Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... otes Johns ...
204) Commentary Note for lines 1714-15:
1714 And by opposing, end them, to die to sleepe
1715 No more, and by a sleepe, to say we end
    ...  and Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... d in Johns ...
205) Commentary Note for line 1721:
1721 When we haue shuffled off this mortall coyle
    ... . B. Johns ...
    ... muel Johns ...
206) Commentary Note for line 1724:
1724 For who would beare the whips and scornes of time,
    ... >Ben Johns ...
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ... b>]  JOHNS ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Ben Johns ...
    ... , Dr Johns ...
207) Commentary Note for line 1731:
1731 To grunt and sweat vnder a wearie life,
    ...  <sc>Johns ...
    ... ;Dr. Johns ...
    ...  dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... >Dr. Johns ...
    ... ' as Johns ...
208) Commentary Note for line 1743:
1743 The faire Ophelia, Nimph in thy orizons
    ... 1743 Johns ...
    ... e Dr Johns ...
    ...  Dr. Johns ...
    ... t as Johns ...
209) Commentary Note for lines 1762-3:
1762-3 Ham. That if you be honest & faire, {you} <your Honesty> | should admit
    ... 62-3 Johns ...
    ... ng.  Johns ...
    ... that Johns ...
    ... that Johns ...
    ... .'   Johns ...
210) Commentary Note for lines 1779-81:
1779-80 very proude, reuengefull, ambitious, with more offences at my beck,
1781-2 then I haue thoughts to put them in, imagination to giue them shape,
    ... 81-2 Johns ...

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