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471 to 480 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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471) Commentary Note for line 3509_351:
3509 Ther's a diuinity that shapes our ends,
3510 Rough hew them how we will. 3510
472) Commentary Note for line 3512_351:
3512 Ham. Vp from my Cabin,
3513 My sea-gowne scarft about me in the darke
473) Commentary Note for line 3522:
3522 With hoe such bugges and goblines in my life,
474) Commentary Note for line 3523:
3523 That on the superuise no leasure bated,
475) Commentary Note for line 3531:
3531 {Or} <Ere> I could make a prologue to my braines,
476) Commentary Note for line 3534_353:
3534 I once did hold it as our statists doe,
3535 A basenesse to write faire, and labourd much 3535
477) Commentary Note for line 3536_353:
3536 How to forget that learning, but sir now
3537 It did me {yemans} <Yeomans> seruice, wilt thou know
478) Commentary Note for line 3543:
3543 As peace should still her wheaten garland weare
479) Commentary Note for line 3544:
3544 And stand a Comma tweene their amities,
480) Commentary Note for line 3545:
3545 And many such like, {as sir} <Assis> of great charge, 3545

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