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361 to 370 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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361) Commentary Note for line 2816:
2816 But in {battalians} <Battaliaes>: first her Father slaine,
362) Commentary Note for line 2820:
2820 For good Polonius death: and we haue done but greenly 2820
363) Commentary Note for line 2821:
2821 In hugger mugger to inter him: poore Ophelia
364) Commentary Note for line 2826:
2826 {Feeds} <Keepes> on {this} <his> wonder, keepes himselfe in clowdes,
365) Commentary Note for line 2829:
2829 Wherein necessity of matter beggerd,
366) Commentary Note for line 2832:
2832 Like to a murdring peece in many places
367) Commentary Note for line 2839:
2839 The Ocean ouer-peering of his list
368) Commentary Note for line 2845:
2845 The ratifiers and props of euery word, 2845
369) Commentary Note for line 2849:
2849 Quee. How cheerefully on the false traile they cry. {A noise within.}
370) Commentary Note for line 2850:
2850 O this is counter you false Danish dogges. 2850

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