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351 to 360 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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351) Commentary Note for lines 2746-47:
2746 {Gent.} <Hor.> Shee is importunat,
2746-7 Indeede distract, her moode | will needes be pittied.
352) Commentary Note for line 2754:
2754 The hearers to collection, they {yawne} <ayme> at it,
353) Commentary Note for line 2758:
2758 Though nothing sure, yet much vnhappily.
354) Commentary Note for lines 2759-61:
2759-60 {Hora.} <Qu.> Twere good she were spoken with, | for shee may strew
2760-1 Dangerous coniectures | in ill breeding mindes,
2761 Let her come in.
355) Commentary Note for line 2767:
2767 Oph. Where is the beautious Maiestie of Denmarke?
356) Commentary Note for line 2770:
2770 By his cockle hat and staffe, and his Sendall shoone. 2770
357) Commentary Note for line 2780:
2780 Oph. Larded {all} with sweet flowers, 2780
358) Commentary Note for lines 2784-86:
2784-5 Oph. Well good dild you, they say the Owle was | a Bakers daugh-
2785-6 ter, Lord we know what we are, but | know not what we may be. 2785
2786 God be at your table.
359) Commentary Note for line 2792:
2792 Then vp he rose, and dond his {close} <clothes>, and dupt the chamber doore,
360) Commentary Note for line 2796:
2796 By gis and by Saint Charitie,

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