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341 to 350 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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341) Commentary Note for line 2743+18:
2743+18 {Ham. Two thousand soules, & twenty thousand duckets}
342) Commentary Note for line 2743+20:
2743+20 {This is th'Imposthume of much wealth and peace,}
343) Commentary Note for line 2743+26:
2743+26 {How all occasions doe informe against me,}
344) Commentary Note for line 2743+28:
2743+28 {If his chiefe good and market of his time}
345) Commentary Note for line 2743+30:
2743+30 {Sure he that made vs with such large discourse} 2743+30
346) Commentary Note for line 2743+34:
2743+34 {Bestiall obliuion, or some crauen scruple}
347) Commentary Note for line 2743+47:
2743+47 {Euen for an Egge-shell. Rightly to be great,}
348) Commentary Note for line 2743+49:
2743+49 {But greatly to find quarrell in a straw}
349) Commentary Note for line 2743+52:
2743+52 {Excytements of my reason, and my blood,}
350) Commentary Note for line 2743+58:
2743+58 {Which is not tombe enough and continent}

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