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321 to 330 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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321) Commentary Note for line 2577+6:
2577+6 {Hoist with his owne petar, an't shall goe hard}
322) Commentary Note for line 2585:
2585 <Exit Hamlet tugging in Polonius.> 2585
323) Commentary Note for lines 2586-2586+1:
2586 Eenter King {, and Queene, with Rosencraus}
2586+1 {and Guyldensterne}.
324) Commentary Note for line 2605:
2605 Should haue kept short, restraind, and out of haunt 2605
325) Commentary Note for line 2612:
2612 Ore whom, his very madnes like some ore
326) Commentary Note for line 2613:
2613 Among a minerall of mettals base,
327) Commentary Note for line 2617:
2617 But we will ship him hence, and this {vile} <vilde> deede
328) Commentary Note for lines 2619-20:
2619-20 Both countenaunce and excuse. <Enter Ros.& Guild.> | Ho Guyldensterne,
329) Commentary Note for lines 2645-50:
2645-6 Ham. I sir, that sokes vp the Kings countenaunce, his | rewards, his
2646-7 authorities, but such Officers doe the King | best seruice in the end, he
2647-8 keepes them like an {apple} <Ape> in | the corner of his iaw, first mouth'd to be
2648-9 last swallowed, | when hee needs what you haue gleand, it is but squee-
2650 sing you, and spunge you shall be dry againe.
330) Commentary Note for lines 2656-57:
2656-7 Ham. The body is with the King, but the King is not | with the {K2}
2657 body. The King is a thing{.} <—>

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