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31 to 40 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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31) Commentary Note for line 151:
151 Awake the God of day, and at his warning
32) Commentary Note for line 162:
162 No fairy {takes} <talkes>, nor witch hath power to charme
33) Commentary Note for line 165:
165 But looke the morne in russet mantle clad
34) Commentary Note for line 195:
195 Now followes that you knowe young Fortinbrasse,
35) Commentary Note for line 199:
199 Coleagued with {this} <the> dreame of his aduantage
36) Commentary Note for line 212:
212 Out of his subiect, and we heere dispatch
37) Commentary Note for line 216:
216 To busines with the King, more then the scope
38) Commentary Note for line 227:
227 The head is not more natiue to the hart
39) Commentary Note for line 242:
242 King. Take thy faire houre Laertes, time be thine
40) Commentary Note for line 244:
244 But now my Cosin Hamlet, and my sonne.

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