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221 to 230 of 540 Entries from All Files for "johnson" in All Fields

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221) Commentary Note for line 1920:
1920 Whose blood and iudgement are so well {comedled} <co-mingled>,
222) Commentary Note for line 1924:
1924 In my harts core, I in my hart of hart
223) Commentary Note for line 1935:
1935 As Vulcans {stithy;} <Stythe.> giue him {heedfull}<needfull> note,
224) Commentary Note for line 1953:
1953 Ham. No, nor mine now my Lord.
225) Commentary Note for line 1962:
1962 Ros. I my Lord, they stay vpon your patience.
226) Commentary Note for line 1970:
1970 Ham. Doe you thinke I meant country matters?
227) Commentary Note for lines 1983-85:
1983-4 Ham. So long, nay then let the deule weare blacke, | for Ile haue a
1984-5 sute of sables; ô heauens, die two mo|nths agoe, and not forgotten yet,
228) Commentary Note for lines 1991-92:
1991-2 Enter a King and {a} Queene, <very louingly; >the Queene embra-|cing him, {and he }
{her,}<She kneeles, and makes shew of Protestation vnto>
229) Commentary Note for lines 2004-05:
2004-5 Ham. Marry this <is> {munching} <Miching> Mallico, {it} <that> meanes | mischiefe.
230) Commentary Note for line 2024:
2024 King. Full thirtie times hath Phebus cart gone round

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